Memory (Ending 1)

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'Ah it hurts. How many times did I fall down? I still haven't gotten used to my body. The doctor is going to scold me if he knows that I walked for so long...'

You stood up swiftly and walked back the way you came from. However you avoided the guy's-Arakita was it- stare, if you looked back at him, you would turn red. It was so hard to be in his presence. He was better than you imagined although more fierce and harsh.

You smiled to yourself as you took your skirt in your hands and fluttered it around. You looked beside you, trees surrounded the path you were currently walking on and the sun was already setting. 

'Everyone at the hospital is going to be mad at me again...However the two months are going to be finally over and I can attend school for the first time!'

At that thought you smiled to yourself again. The warm grass would feel so good beneath your naked feet but as to not give anyone anymore heart attacks you left the shoes on.

"Oi you," you heard someone shout behind you. You knew who it was, smiling you turned around.

"Yes?" you asked.

He stopped on his bike and got off looking away.

"Are you seriously going to walk all the fucking way back?"

You giggled, his language was really crude.

"What are you laughing for, huh?"

"Haha sorry," you apologised softly, he looked away again, "It's just I've never met anyone with such a bad temper."

"Hah? What you lying for, you obvious-," he stopped when he looked at you.

"Whatever," he mumbled. 

'There it was again. He always thinks I'm lying. I wonder what's that about...'

"Get on"

"Hmm how?"

You inspected his bike.

"You," he pointed at you, you nodded, "sit on the saddle and I ride."

"How?" you tilted your head confused.

"Shut up and do what I say."

"That was mean," you told him.


You stared at his bike again.

'How is this...?'

With a rough movement he grabbed your hand and pulled you to his bike.

"Sit," he said. 

You did as he ordered. He looked away again.

"Ok," he said, returning his gaze to you.

"Let's see..."

"See, you don't know how this is going to work either."

"Shut up."

He swung his right leg over the frame of his bike to the other side. Then he clicked his shoes on the pedals.

"Hold on," he said. 

You followed his command and tucked on his race uniform. Slowly but gradually steady he pedaled his way back to the city. Once you arrived he asked you where to let you off.

"A bus station, I can get back on my own then."

You only heard him snort in return and lightly giggled. You didn't want him to know that you belong to the hospital.

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