Fools (Ending 1)

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Even if he was avoiding you since the incident, two weeks have passed and now he's back to normal ((and stronger than ever lol)).

"Hey~" he spoke with his usual endeavour.

"Hey Machimiya," you walked with him to the first lecture.

"Do you want to know what I did on the weekend?"

"I can't really say I'm interested to be honest."

"I didn't know you cared that much for me ~ Fine because it's you, I'll tell you," he grinned.

"Which part of not interested did you no-"

"So, I was at, "he sat down in the middle row, you joined him.

"McDonalds," he finished.

"Amazing, Machimiya. Just what I wanted to know."

"And I saw, " he continued, you rolled your eyes.

"Arakita sitting in the seat next to me. I was thinking that it was pretty rare seeing him there, when Kinjou came up carrying two orders on a tray. Arakita said 'you're so slow! I was about to turn into a grandpa!' and Kinjou said 'even if you turn into a grandpa, you'll still wait, won't you?' Arakita looked down and said with embarrassment 'Don't be an idiot....' My french fries tasted salty." ((Credit to pedalbot))

"I think my papers are salty now."

"I know right? Arakita's such a great guy."

You looked at him with a I'm-so-done-with-you-expression.

"And why did you have to tell me that?"

"Because I knew you'd understand me!" he took your hands in his and shook them hard.

"That's why we get along!" he snivelled.

"Yea..." you patted him on his shoulders.

"So are Kinjou and Sara-gurl ~ dating?"

You've long stopped questioning Machimiya's way of speaking.

"Nope," you popped the 'p'.

"Eh~ Why not?"

"They realised they're not fit for each other."

"Oh I see. And you and the captain?" he made small hearts with his fingers. 

You were quiet for a second before you answered:

"We are not dating. It's true-" you spoke louder to prevent Machimiya from interrupting,  "that we went on a few dates but that's it."

"So you remain friends, hmm?"


"I see, sad...No romance unfolding between both couples..." Machimiya rubbed his hands.

"I love your stars," he whispered.

"What?" you questioned him.

"Nothing my dear," he touched your shoulders and turned you to the big blackboard in the front.



Should I go to the library or not?

You were lost in your thoughts. Suddenly a girl with a short brown bob appeared in front of you.

"Hey," she gave you a bright smile.

"Hmm, do we know each other?" politely you smiled back.

"How can you forget me?" she seemed hurt nevertheless her smile gained back its brilliance.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now