Or else

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Jackson hated doing things he didn't want. He did not want to go the after party for the racers. He hated these types of thing he hated other cars and interacting with them. But as Gale had reminded him it was in his contract and she wasn't leaving until he attended for at least an hour. He went to a dark corner and hid there not interacting with anyone he was just told to be there.
"Jackson Storm." His sponsor called. His sponsor was a sleek black on black Lexus her paint shimmered like oil.
"Get over there and mingle now. I'm not asking you as your boss I am giving you a direct order." Her voice never raised. Still it was deadly all the same.
"That's ok Amelia great party though."
"I told you to go do not make me ask you twice."
"What's the point?"
"Cars don't like you at all."
"I don't care." Jackson knew that.
"That's because you are stupid and don't know anything. See the other racers think you are an annoying egomaniac. Then, the fans think you are arrogant and have no time for them."
"I don't have time for them." He said annoyed.
"So; I run a business Storm." She said slowly she was mocking him pretending Jackson was stupid. "When people think you are a jerk they won't buy my product I lose money because you are a spoiled little brat who won't grow up. If you keep doing this I will replace you."
"You wouldn't I win."
She laughed quietly "This has absolutely nothing with winning. See, Jackson you are pretty stupid. How you are perceived in public is all that matters if people like you enough they will do whatever you want. You know who sold a lot of stuff Rust-eze. Why? Because, people like Lightning McQueen even when he crashed. He was endearing to them. You, know who people like Cal Weathers. People like Cruz Ramirez. You have a reputation of being mean to the fans the bread and butter here. Ergo Storm you are costing me profit. Because, no one likes you. I should just take a nicer rookie from the pool."
"You can't do that." Jackson panicked Amelia Ortega was known for being unpredictable.
"I can and I might depends on how the meet and greet goes."
"The what?"
Her hazel eyes turned dark black. "You have to be kidding me? I'm going to kill you I'm not even playing." Jackson moved back.
"I emailed you, Jackson, three lucky cars find the special marked cans and get a meet greet with you! How the hell could you forget that do you have a negative IQ?"
"Sorry." He mumbled.
"Sorry, does nothing to help me you worthless piece of metal. You have no value you have no friends everything you have is because of me!" Finally she raises her voice. The music is loud so you can't tell. "You don't even have friends. Of course you can't, you are to stupid to have any." She wanted tear into Storm he was stressing her out. Jackson didn't respond but turned to leave.
"Wait let me guess, you are angry and leaving. Are you gonna cry little boy? For all that trash talk you sure can't take it."
"Are you done?" He said his hood looking down.
"No." She said simply and coldly.
"Uh...hi?" Lightning McQueen said.
"Wow, Lightning McQueen so great to talk to you again great race you and Cruz are amazing!" Sh did a complete one eighty. She was happy and excited.
"Thanks, for inviting us."
"Oh yeah, I'm just catching up with all the racers y'all always run a great race. Tex Dinoco came over and greeted Amelia. She excused herself to talk to him. Leaving Lightning and Jackson.
"Everything ok?"
The last thing Jackson needed was McQueen.
"You don't seem fine what were you two talking about? I met your sponsor before. She seems ah, intense sometimes, she wanted me to race for her she asked Cal and Bobby, and the Icar."
"Guess she wised up."
"We all said no."
"She was talking about a meet and greet for some contest. Wants me on my best behavior." Why was he telling him this? Jackson asked himself.
"Oh, I see I use to hate them too. They are not bad sometimes some of the fans are really nice. I like them now."
"Yeah then you do it I'm not exactly good with people."
"You gotta learn to please your fans. The sponsors don't like that attitude."
"Yeah, she just gave me that speech."
"I know that, look your fans look up to you they do anything for a minute of your attention. Just say hi, smile and listen. I promise it isn't so bad."
"Maybe I will try it." He looked up and met his eyes.
"Are you sure you are ok."
"Look you can't go talking to anyone about this."
"Fine, I won't I swear on my engine just tell me."
Jackson started, "If I am not more likable she will fire me."
"It's that serious, wow." Lightning said.
He nodded. "She and I fight a lot is that normal?"
"I never really fought with mine...but everyone is different."
"She says I don't socialize enough."
Lightning nodded. "So I guess you didn't want to be here?"
"No, I hate these things."
"Then I think I am help you, uh leave early."
"Why would you help me?"
"Because, you need it and you do have talent so I wouldn't want to see it go to waste Cruz needs some competition. Just follow my lead."
Jackson shrugged and followed him. They made there way through the crowds. When they were about to leave his sponsor caught them. "Jackson where are you going?"
"He and I were just gonna talk racer to racer." Lightning said.
She smiled genuinely for the first time, "Oh, ok night guys."
Jackson couldn't believe she was just letting him leave like that. They were out he breathed in fresh air. "Thanks." He said awkwardly.
"It's ok. Just remember tomorrow smile, greet and listen."
"What about the photo op they get so close."
"Jackson just relax its only a few seconds if they do anything weird you can always ask them not to."
"Alright, I think I can do this." They arrived at Jackson's trailer.
"You will do good ok goodnight." He nodded and got in the trailer."
"Make any friends?" Gale asked.
"Not really." He said before going to sleep.

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