The crash

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Cars don't fly. That is what Nebula knew but not at the Dinco 400. The season had started great for her. She almost had 4,000 points this was her rookie year she was the youngest and the only girl. She hoped to make it in the top 5.
The clear leaders were of course, The King, Chick, and, McQueen. It didn't matter to Nebula she wanted to finish the season strong give it her best.
In life things don't ever go as planned;
and everything I thought it was nothing like it is. Soon, everyone had settled in. The three leaders raced on Nebula was in the middle of the pack.
Suddenly, Hicks crashed into another car.there was chaos as everyone spun out. Nebula did her best to stay away and avoid the other helpless cars. But, she couldn't, a other racer lost a tire and was spinning at high speed he crashed with high velocity into Nebula's right side. That caused her to slam into the barrier,
Completely crushing her left side. She ricocheted off that wall into another car. There was so much force she bounced onto the track and went flying. She screamed finally as she flew five meters forward in the air screaming from pain and fear.
She landed in the dirt on her right side it was crushed. She then rolled four times violently. She landed with her one wheel in the air on her back. All her other wheels were torn off and one of her axels was gone her bumper laid on the track. She felt herself start to burn and screamed again, her hood was crushed too. She couldn't move. She knew she was dying. She could feel her oil spill. She was totaled. She felt herself slip away all was dark.
Nebula woke up she thought she was in the after life. But, her family was there.
"What happened?" Her voice was hoarse. Her mother told her not to talk she had been out for months. Her whole body was in a cast. Finally her mother told her. "You wrecked bad, we thought we lost you... anyway you have a lot damage, your engine block was cracked and your tanks. Your insides were on fire.
Nebula nodded, she knew it was bad.What about the cup?"
"Nebula you are seriously thinking about racing?"
"I want to know what happened!"
"The Dinco 400 was complicated..."
"It's a race who won?"
"Watch the recording if you want I can't see it, you almost died."
"Mom, racing was my life."
"I told you not to do it never again Nebula."
Nebula sighed she was left with some two different tapes. The Dinco 400, she watched it seeing the usual. Then, it was her crash Chick Hicks caused this all her pain because of him. She saw herself because she was in the middle most cars collided with her. That's why she was in such bad shape. Nebula was always so unlucky. She flew up and away rolling and crashing. She heard Cartrip talking.
"A serious accident behind the leaders, look oh no there goes Nebula."
"She just launched I don't know if she can make it."
Nebula remembered passing out before that she was engulfed in flames. She still wanted to see the end of the race. The end was a surprise they somehow all won? A tie for the win. If only  Lightning had gotten does stupid tires. The winner of the cup was Hicks but Lightning had earned a spot in heart. It made one thing clear to her she was going to get Chick Hicks if it killed her he was going with her!

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