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[NARRATION]: (SEULGI) it's official

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[NARRATION]: (SEULGI) it's official. irene is my soulmate. the girl of my dreams. i love her smile. i love her hair. i love her peach blushing cheeks. i love how warm she makes me feel with the words coming from her delicate lips. i love..... [PAUSE] everything about her.




wendy stared at the monitor screen before zoning out, "did you just made a stupid video to tell us you slept with irene?" she paused before glancing at seulgi again, "we get it."

"it's for our 3 months anniversary." said seulgi.

wendy laughed and shouted in exaggeration, "anniversary! anniversary my balls!"

joy hesitated for a remark, "what are you guys exactly?" 

"i don't know." seulgi immediately replied.

joy asked her again, a rapid of questions bursting out of places seulgi have been avoiding all these months. "are you her girlfriend?" 

"it's not that simple."

"sure it is."

seulgi stared at joy and gave her a cold look before crossing her legs and putting both her frozen elbows on the table, "what, like, are we going steady? come on guys. you know, we're adults. we know how we feel. we don't know need to put labels on it. i mean, 'boyfriend', 'girlfriend.' all that stuff is..... it's really juvenile."

wendy chuckled, "you sound straight right now."

"you really do." said joy, glancing at seulgi before she met her eyes with wendy and ended up laughing like madmen.

seulgi looked genuinely pissed. it had been months since she and irene "dated" with nothing else to progress on. taking things slow? this was nothing comparable to slow. it was agonizingly painful to see yourself kissing someone over and over again with the promise that no commitments were ever going to be made. seulgi wanted reassurance. she wanted so much more than just, irene herself. and it seems like months of going out did not do anything better.

seulgi pointed her index finger to joy, "okay, first of all. your last boyfriend was benjamin in highschool. and you only dated him because he was white... and because you wanted him to help you on your english test. not to mention, the relationship lasted for like, a day."

and then she pointed again to wendy, "and you.... you've been with hoseok since what, like, 2008?"

wendy corrected her friend instantly, "2009," 

"2009... see. i don't think the two of you are exactly authorities on modern relationships."

both wendy and joy rolled their eyes.


one thing irene and seulgi both liked doing were going to the movies. although they have opposite taste in movies, they found one movie movie they both liked: disney cars.

since a kid, irene had always liked cartoon movies, and as she grew up with them, her interest never faded but expanded in horizon; but seulgi, she liked romance action - bonnie and clyde was one of the movies that got her stuck on chair with her whole attention on the screen.

and if you combine cartoon and romance action, that would be cars. and not to mention they enjoy a spice of humor in their movies. the next best thing was that a local cinema would screen disney movies once in a month for the public. and that day it turned out that they were screening cars

that beautiful day, they watched movies, they ate pancakes, went for crazy window shopping and they proceed to kiss along the sidewalks of the empty road. sure, seulgi was happy with irene. but almost everyday with her, was like a deja vu. she felt it before, and it was a natural instinct to crave for more. but what was there to crave when you know nothing will be given to you? 

what was she not ready of? commitments? loyalty? honesty? they both knew secrets other people don't. seulgi knew everything about irene. at least that's what she thought. 

seulgi drove the car in silence and irene find this rather amusing. irene knew seulgi liked to hum to songs, tap her fingers on the steering wheel in melody but that day, she was silent the whole trip.

irene looked up from the passenger seat in concern, "hey, are you okay?

"oh. me? yeah i'm fine."

"are you sure?"


it went silent again. the wind blew through their awkwardness before seulgi opened up again, "so what are we doing exactly?"

irene giggled, "i thought you're going to send me home."

"no like. what are we doing right now? like what's going on between us?"

irene went blank again, "who cares! i'm happy, aren't you happy?"

"of course i am." seulgi smiled and took a few seconds off the road as she glanced at irene. this girl. they were close enough for seulgi to notice that irene's hair smelled like green apples, and gosh there was one thought running through seulgi's head at that moment. i want to kiss her more than i want air.

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