Bonus Round 3: Prequel - @NimrodKirkpatrick

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"You're sure about this, Grandma?" Tim asks as she tightens the belt around his arm and sets about preparing a needle.

"Of course, dear," she replies in that same sickly-sweet tone she always uses when talking to her favourite grandson. "Powerpeople powers don't simply come from nowhere, they certainly don't grow on trees and there's nothing genetic about it. It's all artificial. The drugs are how I was able to have such a stellar career saving cats from trees and preventing donut stands from going up in flames for reasons including, but by no means limited to, insurance fraud, sugar laundering and gambling on illicit camel races."

Tim wonders exactly how donut stands and camel races, illicit or otherwise, are related, but he does not do so out loud.

He knows all about his grandma's secret identity. Well, her former secret identity. Back in the day she had been one of the city's premier powerpeople, all spandex-clad and caped kinda' hot, truth be told, though that's certainly nothing he wants to think about too often. But as she approaches him, needle at the ready, Tim can't help but wonder upon which side of the good/evil divide his grandma resides...

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