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I didn't realize I had fallen asleep shortly after changing the blood soaked gown I was so disgusted with. I was sure that Mary would show soon, so I grabbed a light green shorter summer dress. It allowed me to breathe, and I felt a semblance of peace.

I heard a knock on the door. Odd, considering no one had yet knocked.

"Come in?" What more was I supposed to say? This wasn't my home.

The door opened and a girl appeared. She had to have been around my age. Her red curls and freckles reminded me strongly of Mabel. Her eyes were down, avoiding my gaze.

"I have been sent to escort you through the gardens, miss. Please do not try to run." Her words shocked me. They sent a girl to watch over me so that I may go out. How thoughtful.

"What time is it?"

"A few hours before dusk, ma'am."

"Where is Mary?"

"Sleeping, ma'am."


"Yes, ma'am."

"Please stop calling my ma'am. Call me Ayla." Her cheeks blushed red at my words.

"Yes ma- Ayla.." she still seemed out of place saying my name.

"And you are?" I asked her softly. I noticed her brown dress was worn. She had a grey apron around the front of her dress. She worked in the kitchen.

"Girl, ma'am. Ayla."

"What is your birth name, I mean."

"Please Miss Ayla, I can not." Her tone sounded hushed. No doubt she had been told not to converse with me.

"I'm not a lady. I am not a miss. I grew up a hundred miles from here. I was a servant to Lord and Lady Weston, and I even worked in the kitchens."

The girl turned her head to face mine. Her green eyes were distant, but they met mine finally.

"You.. you cooked?" Her voice was shaky.

"Yes. I'm especially grand at potato pie." I laughed and she joined in.

"Emily." She murmured. I could barely hear.


"Yes Miss. My name is Emily."

Emily and I walked through the long hallway. There were large glass windows, and the setting sunlight shone in between large maroon drapes on each side. I peered out the panes and noticed that this didn't look at all like where I was before. This was a completely different castle.

We wound down a long spiral staircase into a small corridor. The doors opened into a large garden. There was a short cut open grass courtyard, surrounded by pathways that were thickened with bushes, flowers, and trees. I had never seen such beauty. In the background was thick forest casting a shadow. The sun would be down in an hour or so.

"It's magnificent." The words barely did it justice.

I walked with Emily through the square paths. I could smell large amounts of pollen seeping from the flowers. I ran my hand over them and laughed at the yellow powder lining my hands.

For once I felt truly free. I could get used to living here. But not living as a slave.

We sat on a bench, silently watching the sun set beyond the trees. The air was still warm from summer. The darkness overcame the yard, and distant torches dimly lit the tree line. I could see the sun slowly moving out of view, until darkness clouded the gardens.

Emily stood suddenly, and turned to walk away.

"Emily?" I called after her. She didn't respond.

"Emily!" I yelled after her, but she kept walking towards the castle. Strange. I didn't want to chase her. And I certainly didn't want to go inside.

I sat alone staring into the woods. Looking around, I saw no one. There were no guards. There were no servants. This was my chance...

I was already without shoes, and I grew up on the farm. My feet had grown calloused and all I needed to do was move my feet.

I was so scared. What if they found me? Would I be killed? Surely I would be killed if I stayed. I recalled the fact that Thaddeus could feel my emotions. If I ran, could he sense where I was? I didn't even know where I was. I would make it a mile before they sent horses. I knew nothing about this. My thoughts raced, and I sat back down. I wouldn't try to escape. Not today.

I inhaled the deep scent of the pines. I recalled a simpler time when my life was all about serving those above me. Yet here I was, slave to something greater. I wanted my world back... Before I knew about vampires.

"Enjoying your walk?" A voice said behind me. I stiffened on the bench. A wave of pure fear ran over me. My neck tightened and began to sting. A figure walked around and sat down beside me. His hand rested on my thigh.

"Hello, Ayla." Said Nathaniel.

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