Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven
-Sebastian's POV-
Eve sat, fidgeting. Her eyes were glued to her hands as she twiddled her thumbs nervously. I couldn't blame her. A man she had just met yesterday was going to tell her her own life story which she has no memory of. I could practically see the wheels turning in her mind. Undertaker was off in the back, making some tea in some rather undesirable looking beakers. She looked at me. "I'm fine, Sebastian. I promise. I'm ready for this." She smiled sweetly at me but I could see through it's falseness.
"We can put it off, allow more time for you to think."I offered.
"No! I need to this now!" The urgency in her voice was fierce.
"Now, now. Lovers should not be quarreling!"Undertaker cackled as he came back in with the tea. I looked back to Eve and saw that she was blushing. She truly did have my affection. But...could I call it love? Was it even possible for me, after all that I've done? Would I actually be allowed by not only myself, but by whatever reigned over all life, to be capable of loving? The mere thought interested me.
Undertaker sat across from Eve. "Are you ready, dear?"
She meekly nodded. He began.
"You have a life story that could cause nightmares for anyone who hears it. You have been forcibly betrothed to a demon and have done more despicable things than he. You first met Emilio one night in London. You were about fourteen without parents to teach you right from wrong. You see, you never met them. They dropped you off at an orphanage from which you ran away after one of the higher ups snuck into your bedchambers and took advantage of your fragile body. No one believed your story so you took matters into your own hands. You found your way into his carriage late at night and withdrew a blade from under your skirts. You mutilated him cruelly while enjoying the sound of his screaming, the exact same which he did to you."
He paused to allow this to sink in. Eve's face was extremely pale and her eyes wide with terror. I could tell this is not what she expected. I moved to take a step closer to her, to comfort her. She held her hand up defiantly, "No, Sebastian. Remain where you are. I can handle this. Her voice was shaky and on the brink of tears.
Undertaker seemed uncharacteristically silent. He waited for her to recompose herself to continue. "After you ran away, you lived on the streets. Breaking into houses and stealing, anything you could do to survive. One night a small family found you, rummaging through their kitchen. You panicked and stabbed the father several times in his chest. In order to silence the rest of them, you killed them too. Emilio heard the screams and waltzed in while you were cleaning up the mess and decided he loved you and your wickedness right away so he assisted you in destroying the evidence. Later he kidnapped you and took you to his castle where he threatened to have you executed for your actions if you didn't marry him."
Eve didn't even seemed shocked anymore. She seemed completely emotionless. The scent of her soul was changing. Yesterday it was so pure and innocent. Now it was dark and tormented. I didn't like the changes she was experiencing. It made me feel sorrow so deep I just wanted to caress her cheeks and tell her that what Undertaker was saying was all lies.
"Then how did I lose my memory. How did I wind up being sold to Felix?" Her voice was so breathless despite her cool demeanor.
"Emilio wanted you. You rejected him. He tried to kill you. You were severely injured and he never bothered to check if you were still breathing, just threw you out into the street. A passerby found you like that and took you to the town doctor who also had a thing for selling his patients who had no known home. And that's where your memory begins."
Eve stood hesitantly. "I think I'd better go. But first, I do have a question." She paused and he nodded,"How do you know my whole life story?"
"That's a story for a different day. I think it's best you go home and rest."
I grabbed Eve's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She held on to it while we walked to the carriage. This time we had a hired driver, that way I could sit with Eve. "Are you okay, Eve?"
She stayed quiet for a moment. "That is not what I expected but at least I know who I am now." Her voice quivered and tears escaped her eyes. I pulled her onto my lap and held her shaking body as she sobbed. I could feel her grief and regret through her skin.
"Sebastian, I don't think I can go on like this. I don't think we can be together."
It felt like ice had been injected into my veins. "Eve, what are you saying?"
"I'm saying...that I can't. How can I go on knowing I did those horrible things? I can't go on thinking of what must you think of me now."
"You can and you will go on. I'm a demon, remember? I've done far worse than you can imagine and you've made me feel alive. You've given me a reason to want to stick around for any reason other than devouring souls." It felt strange to express such emotions but at the same time, I knew they were true.
-Eve's POV-
I've never hurt so bad. My head, my heart, all of it. It all hurt. I was such a horrible person. No, I was beyond horrible. How could Sebastian stand to be around me knowing how much of a disgrace I was?
He lifted a thumb to my bottom lip. "Stop worrying about what I think of you. My opinion of you can never change and neither could my emotions. They just continue to grow stronger. There is something I must tell you, even if Young Master disapproves of it."
She stiffened. "What is it, Sebastian?"
"The day we met and I promised I would be saving you, it was because the queen had asked it of Ciel. His objective was to investigate you. The queen had caught wind of your existence and he was commissioned to investigate you."
My heart shattered into a million pieces.
I switched up the point of views for the first time since the first chapter. I hope you don't mind?

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