Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven
I must have fallen asleep while waiting on Sebastian because when my eyes opened, the sky was dark and the moon was high. It was about midnight. A single candle illuminated my large room, casting eery shadows upon my walls. I went to sit up and found myself extremely parched. Next to the candle on my bedside table, was a glass of ice water, probably left by Sebastian. I drank deeply and when I looked back at the table, there was a piece of parchment.
"I came back to get you but you were sleeping so soundly, I just couldn't bear to wake you. Just in case you wake and panic, I'm coming to check on you before midnight.
I smiled at the words on the paper and stretched. I heard muffled footsteps coming from outside my door and jumped up to open it before he could even knock. When I saw his flawless features, I couldn't help but smile at him. I snatched his hand from his side and grasped it tightly in mine.
"We could still go to the gardens," he offered.
I nodded. "Lead the way." I remained glued to his side with my hand in his while we walked through the maze-like corridors, fearing that I would become lost. During the day the manor was so noisy and welcoming, but at night it was menacing and haunting. Images of my previous nightmares played out in the back of my mind and I squeezed his hand tighter. He noticed.
"Is something bothering you, Eve?"
I gulped, "I'm scared."
He replied by intertwining our fingers and saying, "As long as I am alive, you shall have nothing to fear." Somewhere in my heart, I knew his words were meant to be deeper than my current mind could comprehend. I got closer to him as a pair of French doors came into view. Sebastian opened them and moonlight seeped in.
I gasped. "It's so beautiful." I dropped his hand slowly and inched my bare toes out to the cold night. A breeze blew across my skin, causing me to shiver. I wrapped my arms around myself while staring up at the twinkling stars.
"Forgive me, I should have grabbed you a sweater." I heard him say from behind me.
I beckoned him to me and I placed my arms around him. "No need. You can keep me warm for now since we're already out here." I snuggled closer to him as he put his arms around me. My heart leapt with joy. "Sebastian, why is it that I feel safest with you?"
He chuckled lightly. "I do not know. Perhaps we'll find out soon enough though, Eve."
I gathered the courage to ask the next question. "Why do your eyes glow?"
He suddenly became very stiff. "Perhaps, Eve, that's a question for a later time. Okay?" I could tell from the expression on his face that he was begging for me to understand that he couldn't tell me right now. I nodded my head and his body thawed out. I felt a raindrop fall on me and I looked up. More drops pelted my face and I opened my mouth and giggled when rain hit my tongue.
I danced out of the butler's arms and further into the garden. "You're going to catch your death, Eve."he called after me.
I turned towards him and told him,"As long as you're with me in my dying breath, I'd be completely fine with that."
"That's just selfish."
"How? I'm being honest, Sebastian. Somehow you just feel so right and natural to me."
"That could just be a bad thing."
"How do you mean?"
"All in good time. I promise. For now, please, come inside where it's warm and dry."
I groaned in protest but ran past him back inside anyway. I raced up the stairs and into my room while quietly giggling, and just as I'd hoped, he followed me. "Maybe you should go back to bed already."
"I don't wanna!"
"I slept all day!"
"You'll be sleeping all day tomorrow too if you don't go back to sleep."
"Meh! You're no fun!"
"Well according to you, you didn't even know what fun was a week or two ago."
That hurt. I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout and turned away. There was a second or two before he spoke. "That was harsh. I'm sorry, Eve. I shouldn't have brought that up."
I still didn't look at him while I climbed onto the bed and he came to put the blankets around me. "Eve, please look at me." I shook my head defiantly. His fingers inched themselves onto my belly and he attempted to tickle me. I groaned in pain. "You're not ticklish?"he asked, sounding surprised.
"That hurt! Why did you do that?"
"Because I thought it would work!"
"To do what?"I was furious now.
"To get you to look at me."
"Well Mister, I'm looking at you now and I'm pissed! Are you happy now, asshole?"
"Do you even know what an asshole is?"
I thought for a second. "No! But it sounds insulting, therefore you are one!"
"How do you get so childish?"
"Well how do you get so cocky?"I argued.
"I suppose you're right. Goodnight, Eve." He began to leave when I protested. "No! Don't leave! Come back! I'm sorry! Stay with me until I fall asleep!"
He smirked evilly. "Why should I?"
I looked at him seriously,"Because you keep the nightmares away."
"What do you mean?"
"You just do. I don't have nightmares if you were around me right before I fell asleep."
"Very well, then"
"Yay!"I exclaimed as I patted the empty space on the bed beside me. He sighed and climbed up. I threw my arms around him, snuggled close, and fell right to sleep.
It really, really pisses me off that my phone doesn't let me indent. -_-
UH MUH GERSH!! WATCH 'ATTACK ON TITAN'!! You will NOT regret it! <3

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