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Lead by Octavia and Han, Chewie, and several troops rushed into the control room and planted explosive charges on the control panels and quickly rushed out again.
"Throw me another charge." Han said. Tensions were running high. This would make or break the mission.


Han, Octavia and several of the fighters sprinted out of the bunker and raced across the clearing. In the run, which had quickly become a competition between Octavia and Han, she sprinted next to him, keeping up with him easily.
"Move! Move!" Han yelled, seconds later, a shock wave knocked them flat as the bunker exploded, followed by a spectacular display as the huge shield-generator radar dish went sky-high along with the bunker. Octavia's ears were ringing, she couldn't hear anything, it was all muffled. She looked around for Han, grabbing his hand as her hearing came back.
"I love you." She said, but she didn't know if he could hear it. "I love you." She shouted it this time. The war was over. They were safe. No more fighting. "I love you." She whispered.


Octavia stood with Han's arm around her waist, both for physical and emotional support. Octavia had taken a nasty blow to her already injured stomach as she was blasted in the explosion. The bleeding had subsided, but now she was feeling dizzy and faint. She, Han, Leia, Chewie, the droids, the Rebel troops, and the Ewoks all looked up to the sky as the Death Star revealed itself in a final flash of self-destruction. There was a roar from the group, happiness overcame them at the revelation that they'd won. Han looked down from the sky to Octavia, a look of concern on his face. Octavia continued to look at the sky, her eyes unfocused.
"Princess?" Han asked, he was terrified that after all this fighting, he'd loose her here, after they'd won.
"I'm not letting you call me that anymore Solo." She said weakly.
"Well you can't call me Solo." He replied, just trying to keep her talking.
"Fine, Han." She said, her voice only a whisper.
"Okay then, Octavia." He said.
"The war is over..." she muttered. "I thought that I'd be happier."
"Well-" Han began, but suddenly Octavia went limp, her body no longer trying to hold itself up.
"Octavia! Octavia! Vee! No Via you can't die now no, no, Octavia wake up." Han had placed her on the ground and was no panicking. A swarm of rebel troops gathered around their fallen general, when an Ewok pushed though their legs. Threepio translated, he was a medicine man, able to help her. Han pushed the crowd away as the Ewok worked on Octavia, he ordered them to carry her back to the village, but Han refused to let anyone else lay a hand on her.


It was touch and go for a little while, Octavia was unresponsive to most of the treatments. Han was forced to sit outside after he almost strangled the one of the Ewok's working on her. Apparently, according to Threepio, her wound had been reopened and infected, badly. The infection had seeped into her bloodstream and she had a very low probability of ever waking up. Han wanted to scream. It was his fault for letting her come, it was his fault for letting her put herself in harms way. He paced frantically, backwards and forwards.
"Oh please sit down Han you're making me dizzy." Leia complained, then her voice went soft. "She'll be alright. If Via's anything she's strong." Han reluctantly sat down, huffing.

An hour passed and more Rebel fighters arrived, some with injuries, some not, some carrying the dead for a proper burial. The Ewoks helped as best they could, cooking food and cleaning wounds. Still no sign from Octavia, and the tension had increased. If Han got any more stressed he would pop like a balloon. It was another hour again before the Ewoks that were working on Octavia walked out, solemn looks on their faces.
"What? Threepio ask them what's wrong?!" Han asked, grabbing onto the nearest thing which happened to be Leia's arm.
"General Solo, Octavia will live!" Threepio said. "You can go in and see her now." Han didn't need to be told twice. He swung open the doors, rushing to Octavia's side. She was sat up, her hair was a bloodied mess and her face was paler than usual, but she smiled when she saw Han and almost laughed as he tripped over in his rush to get to her bedside. He held her tiny hand in both of his and kissed her forehead like had had done in Cloud City.
"I'm glad you're alive." He said.
"I love you." She replied. Han looked around to check there was no one listening.
"I love you too." 


A huge bonfire was the centrepiece of the wild celebration. Rebels and Ewoks rejoiced in the warm glow of firelight, drums beating, singing, dancing, and laughing in the universal language of victory and liberation. Octavia was sat down, told she shouldn't strain herself. Han, Leia, Chewie and the droids surrounded her, laughing and smiling. 
Lando ran in and was enthusiastically hugged by Han and Chewie. Octavia threw one arm around him in a half hug.
"Y'know, the funniest thing happened. I was undertaking evasive manoeuvres when I heard a meow. Turns out you left your kitten on the ship, she was very helpful though, kept me company."
"Thunder!" Octavia said, reaching out her arms to the kitten that Lando had produced from his sleeve. Thunder purred delightedly at being back with Octavia, and curled up on her neck, nice and small. There were more stories exchanged and laughs had, and at the highest point of the party, Luke arrived. He stood on the outskirts watching for a few seconds before he was spotted by Leia. She rushed over to him, followed by Han and Lando, who were supporting Octavia on each side. They all hugged Luke, sharing their stories again.

Rebels and Ewoks joined together in dancing and celebration. Octavia and her friends, the adventurers that she'd spent years with, watched from the sidelines. Only Octavia seemed distracted, while she'd been touch-and-go plenty had gone through her mind. About her family, her search for answers. She'd decided that she no longer minded not knowing. Octavia looked off to the side and spotted two shimmering, smiling figures at the edge of the shadows: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Aurelia Nightshade-Kenobi. They smiled at her, beaconing her to come closer, but she turned her back, not in a malicious way, but because she'd grown to be happy with the family that had picked her, the family that were alive and would protect and fight with her. Her family. She threw an arm around Han, and her other around Leia. Lando and Chewie laughed at something, and Luke was talking with Han. The three droids were beeping at each other, and Thunder was still perched on her shoulder. Her family.

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