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A procession of Ewoks wound their way through the ever-darkening forest. Nightfall was setting in and things weren't looking good for their prisoners, Han, Luke, Chewie, Rusty and Artoo are tied to long poles and wrapped in vines, cocoonlike. Each pole was being carried on the shoulders of several Ewoks. Behind the captives, Threepio was carried on a litter, like a king, by the remaining creatures. The procession moved along a shaky, narrow, wooden walkway, high in the giant trees. It stopped at the end of the walkway, which dropped off into nothingness. On the other side of the abyss was a village of mud huts and rickety walkways, attached to the giant trees. The lead Ewok took hold of a long vine and swung across to the village square; the other Ewoks followed suit.

The procession wound its way into the village square. Mother Ewoks gathered their babies up and scurried into their huts at the sight of the newcomers. The group stopped before the largest hut. Han, Luke, Chewie, Rusty and Artoo are still bound to their poles. Han was placed on a spit above what looked like a barbecue pit and the others were leant against a tree nearby. Threepio's throne was gently placed near the pit. He watched with fascination, however, Han, Luke, and Chewie were less than impressed.
"I have a really bad feeling about this." Han said and Chewie growled his concern. Suddenly all activity stopped as Logray, the tribal Medicine Man came out of the big hut. He examined the captives carefully, then went to join Threepio, whose throne had been placed on an elevated platform. A larger, gray-haired Ewok, Chief Chirpa, examined Luke's lightsaber with great curiosity. Logray spoke to Threepio and the assemblage of fuzzy Ewoks, he pointed to the prisoners tied to the stakes. The Ewoks began filling the pit under Han with firewood.
"What did he say?" Han asked.
"I'm rather embarrassed, General Solo, but it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honour." Threepio said and Han went white. The drums began beating, and all the furry heads turned to the large hut. Leia emerged, wearing an animal-skin dress, followed closely by Octavia, in a dark tunic and pants. She had knee high boots and her laser blaster in a holster at her hip. She spotted what was happening at the same moment the prisoners saw Leia.
"Leia!" Luke yelled.
"Octavia!" Han exclaimed. As the two girls moved toward them, the Ewoks blocked their way with raised spears.
"Oh!" Leia said, and Octavia pulled out her blaster. She wasn't afraid to fight her way to her friends. 
"Your Royal Highness." Threepio said. "General Nightshade." Rusty, Artoo and Chewie chimed in with their welcome.
"But these are my friends. Threepio, tell them they must be set free." Leia said, but Octavia still had her gun raised. Threepio talked to Chirpa and Logray, who listen and shook their heads negatively. The Medicine Man gestured toward the prisoners and barked some orders. Several Ewoks jumped up and piled more wood on the barbecue with vigor. Leia traded frantic looks with Octavia. Then she frowned.
"Octavia put your gun away."
"Somehow, I got the feeling that didn't help us very much." Han rolled his eyes.
"Threepio, tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry and use your magic." Luke said.
"But Master Luke, what magic? I couldn't possibly-" Threepio said.
"Just tell them." Luke ordered. Threepio spoke to the Ewoks. The Ewoks were disturbed. Logray stepped forward and challenged Threepio. Luke closed his eyes and began to concentrate. Octavia caught on, and concentrated on the throne too.
"You see, Master Luke; they didn't believe me. Just..." Threepio trailed off as he realised that his throne was lifting off the ground. The joint force of the two Jedi was enough to lift it.
"Wha-wha-what's happening! Oh! Oh, dear! Oh!" He said. The Ewoks fell back in terror from the floating throne. Threepio began to spin as though he were on a revolving stool, while Threepio called out in total panic at his situation.
"Put me down! He-e-elp! Master Luke! Artoo! Rusty! Somebody, somebody, help! Master Luke, Artoo! Octavia, quickly! Do something, somebody! Oh! Ohhh!" He yelled. Chief Chirpa yelled orders to the cowering Ewoks. They rushed up and released the bound prisoners. Luke and Han raced to Leia in a group embrace. Luke's concentration broke, but Octavia, stood a little further back was still holding Threepio up in the air. Neglected by her friends. She gently let Threepio down, and untied Artoo and Rusty.
"Octavia." Han said, and before she had time to react, she was bowled over by Han. Her tunic dirtied by the mud as Han weaved his arms around her and held her.
"I thought you died." He muttered into her ear.
"Solo." She said quietly.
"Yes?" He whispered.
"Get off me." She said, pushing him away and ruining the moment. A small group of Ewoks surrounded the giant Wookiee, scratching their heads and marveling at his height, it was quite amusing.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh! Thank goodness." Threepio said.
"Thanks, Threepio."
"I...I never knew I had it in me." He muttered. Octavia rolled her eyes.

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