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Everything was dark. Boba didn't want Octavia having a pleasant ride, he gagged her and tied her wrists, put a bag over her head and sat her next to the frozen Han. The last thing she heard or saw was Luke charging in, and then she was knocked out cold, only just coming around now. She sat quietly and patiently, repeating the names in her head. For Rusty, Jinx, El'iea, Ali, Rena, Ruby, for every rebellion member killed. For Obi-Wan, Aurelia. For Han, Chewie, Thunder, Leia, Luke. For the Galaxy. She thought to herself. Listing the dead, then her family, then the living. For Rusty, Jinx El'iea, Ali, Rena, Ruby, for every rebellion member killed. For Obi-Wan, Aurelia. For Han, Chewie, Thunder, Leia, Luke. For the Galaxy. After a while, she got bored of listing why she was going to do what she was going to do and started listing who she was going to kill. Jabba, Lando, Boba, Vader, Jabba, Lando, Boba, Vader, Lando. She repeated this to herself, again and again, she had the order of who she would kill as well. She was going to make every last one of them pay. She closed her eyes, as there was nothing to see with them open anyway.
"Octavia." It was Obi-Wan's voice, her father's voice.
"Father?" She asked, she could see him, he was there, distantly.
"Octavia, do not let revenge consume you." He warned.
"They hurt me. They deserve to die." She said, glaring at nothing.
"No. No one deserves to die. Find it within yourself to forgive. You do not have to follow the Jedi code, but your mother was a Grey Jedi, she was filled with anger and passion, but she controlled it. Not the other way around." He told her.
"She was a brave woman, right? My mum, she loved me?"
"Your mother and I never wanted to give you up, but we did it to keep you safe, you see what happened to her? It would have happened to you too if you didn't go. And look at you now, saving the galaxy."
"I'm not saving it from here." She muttered, feeling the constraints on her wrists.
"Here, is not here." He said. Octavia almost snorted.
"And you are not you, I am not I." She said rolling her eyes.
"You can break free from this, these ropes cannot hold you." He said, and Octavia felt the force flow through her. The bonds snapped, and she did the same for her feet, and pulled the gag out of her mouth, and pulled the bag off from her head. She was in a glitzy spaceship, much nicer that the Falcon or Thunder or even the Lightning. There was a yell, and a few people came rushing forward to grab her.
"Use the Force," Obi-Wan said, he was stood there, looking a lot younger than she had last seen him, in his Jedi robes, his hair was not white and he didn't look aged.
"Obi-Wan?" She asked, confused.
"Yes, in the days when I knew your mother." He said, "now, I want you to get rid of these guards, without killing them." Octavia threw her hands out, and they went flying into the wall, knocking them out instantly.
"Not what I had planned, but effective." He said, narrowing his eyes at her. She smiled.
"I am a little bit of a wild-card." Obi-Wan looked at her.
"Oh dear, I have certainly seen my fair share of wild-cards." He said, thinking of Anakin and their misadventures. That, and she had Aurelia's blood in her. He thought about her, the one he loved, and smiled sadly. He had lost so much and could see why Octavia might be hateful. "I am truly sorry Octavia, for leaving you. I am sorry you don't have any family." He said.
"What are you on about." She said, almost offended. "I have a family. I have Solo, and Chewie, Leia and Luke. Hell, even Artoo, Rusty, Thunder and Threepio are my family. I have all of these people who care for me and make sure I'm okay. Just because I don't have parents, doesn't mean I don't have a family." She said.
"That's my girl." Another voice joined the conversation. Octavia looked up. There stood a woman, with blonde hair and violet eyes, a mischievous but kind smile. Tears pricked at Obi-Wan's eyes. He hadn't seen her since she went away. "She inherited more of me than she did you." The woman said.
"M-mother?" Octavia practically whispered. The woman smiled warmly at her, tossing her loose hair over her shoulder.
"Yes, I'm afraid this is all there is left of me. I don't have enough strength to put out this projection for long, but I thought, why should your father get to be your only mentor." The woman said, she too was dressed in Jedi robes, but they were grey. "Harness the chaos in your soul, you are more powerful than any of them, you need to let your passion and love fuel you. You will protect the boy you love. You will be able to make the Galaxy sparkle in your light. Just pull through this. I love you, my Octavia." She said, her image flickered, and then she was gone.
"Did you know she was going to- did you know she could do that?" Octavia asked.
"I honestly didn't, I-" Obi-Wan said, then looked at Octavia. "I must leave." He said, and his image disappeared too, leaving Octavia alone with her carbon-frozen friend.
And again, this is where I leave you. I met my mother and managed to break free of the chains. With the help of no one but me, myself and I (not to mention my mother's advice) I managed to escape the ship with nothing but my dignity. I'm afraid to say that Han was still on the ship when I escaped, he was too heavy to carry. I travelled around, trying to find the new rebellion base, and made it back to Leia and her entourage. She was grateful to see me, but she had to have people hold me back from murdering Lando, as he is on my list. I let my anger boil down, but one day, I will kill him. Then came the planning. Lot's of planning. We found where Han was being held, and since I knew the insides of Jabba's prison/palace so well, they sent me in first. I was unsuccessful in even getting to Solo, and I just managed to radio Leia before they put me into Carbon Freeze too. Let me tell you something about Carbon Freeze, it's the closest thing to death, but you're conscious, you can think and feel, and even see, nothingness. It is only making me stronger. Here I am, with nothing better to do than think to myself, stuck in a near death like state, waiting for someone to come and save me. I've never been a damsel in distress, but there's nothing I can do about this, except wait, and repeat the only things that keep me from going insane.
Rusty, Jinx, El'iea, Ali, Rena, Ruby, for every rebellion member killed. Obi-Wan, Aurelia. Han, Chewie, Thunder, Leia, Luke. For the Galaxy.

Wow, this is the last chapter of Part 2, I'm amazed by how far this has come, don't worry, there will be a third part coming soon!! Remember to vote and comment and even strike up a conversation because I love talking to you! 

On a side note, would anyone be interested in a Captain America or Bucky Barnes fic, I have started one for each of them and want to know if anyone would read them

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