Ch 11- That Butler, Tutoring

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"Ciel... sir?" Ciel heard, drifting in and out of sleep. "It is time to wake up."

"Um? Ciel... sir?" Ciel repeated, rubbing his eyes and looking up, seeing Agni in his face.

"Good morning!" Agni smiled. Ciel screamed, having expected to see Sebastian. "Namaste, Ciel, sir." He folded his hands in front of his chest, bowing his head respectively. "Breakfast has already been prepared."

"Wh... Why are you in my room?" Ciel asked.

"Excuse me. Young..." Sebastian stopped, surprised to see Agni holding a struggling, still in pajamas Ciel.

"The food will get cold if you don't hurry!" Agni smiled, ignoring his protests.

"Wait a second!" Ciel said, trying to push him away. "What the Hell is this?"

"Oyah? It's been lively here since early this morning," Lau said, standing on the doorway, that ever-present smile on his face.

"Sebaaaaaaaaastiaaaaan!" Mey Rin, Finny, and Bard called, running down the hallway toward him.

"Can the three please remember that we are in front of guests?" Sebastian asked, irritated at them. "What is wrong? Did you mess up again?"

"It's... It's weird!" the three of them said.

"The food!" Bard said.

"The yard!" Finny cried.

"The clothes!" Mey Rin shrieked.

"Put me down!" Ciel demanded.

"Yeah, let's go!" Agni cheered, ignoring him.

"Weird...?" Sebastian asked. They all went to look at what they were talking about. Strange clothing was hung on the lines outside. Elephants stomped around the neatly trimmed garden. Different kinds of food they had never seen before lined the breakfast table. "What happened?"

"Ah!" Agni said, raising his hand. "It was presumptuous of me, but I have prepared all of this myself!"

"Oh, you should not have!" Sebastian said, feeling somewhat like he had failed his duties. "Please just relax, as you are our guest."

"Oh, but it's nothing!" Agni replied. "The Prince is, of course, excluded. However, I am a mere butler. So, I think the least I could do is lend the hardworking Sebastian a hand."

"Agni..." Sebastian said in awe before turning to the other three. "Why not kneel down on the ground and beg for a mere scrap of Agni's talents. Perhaps it would improve you even a little."

He was, of course, speaking with sarcasm, but they stared at him like he was serious.

"Gimme some scraps! Scraps!" Finny demanded as he and the others attacked Agni.

"Some for me!" Bard chanted.

"Me, too!" Mey Rin called.

"Eh!? What's wrong?" Agni asked, not sure what was happening.

Sebastian just stood there, not understanding how three people could be so idiotic.


"So, how long do you two intend to stay in my house?" Ciel asked.

Everyone was at the breakfast table. Ciel and Sebastian were at one end. Agni and Soma were at the other. Lau and an empty chair were in the middle.

"We'll leave once our work is done," Prince Soma replied, stuffing his face.

"And that is..." Ciel asked, waiting for something further.

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