Chapter 17

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Hello! I've been feeling pretty productive today so I decided to update! Yay!

Before they reached Biana's room, where they knew people tended to group up in, Fitz stopped in the hallway. He pulled Sophie in by her waist and kissed her again. Fitz... she scolded, pushing away.

Would it really be so terrible if they saw? He looked into her eyes pleadingly.

Sophie tilted her head to down the hallway. Fitz looked up to see Keefe. Fitz guiltily let his arms slip from her waist. Sophie knew he wouldn't want to hurt his best friend.

The pair entered Biana's room assuming Keefe would join them eventually. "Where have you been?" Biana asked teasingly.

"Talking," Fitz replied, ignoring his sister's raised eyebrow and suspicious glance. Sophie bit her lip and blushed.

"So, what do you want to do?" Dex asked, changing the subject. Sophie couldn't help but wonder if the reason he looked so uncomfortable had something to do with what Keefe had said the other day.

"We could continue playing Truth or Dare," Linh suggested in her gentle voice.

"Sure. Where's Keefe?" Biana asked.

Dex rolled his eyes. Sophie focused on Tam, though. He looked a little bit jealous that Biana was thinking of Keefe. Sophie suspected that he might like the dark-haired elf.

"He's fine, he's just... taking a walk," Sophie replied. Biana shot her a curious glance but Sophie just shook her head. I'll tell you later, she transmitted, making Biana jump. "You better," she muttered.

The seven of them– Amy had joined them. Now that she thought about it, if Sandor had been with Amy, it made sense that Amy was here– sat down in a circle. Fitz not-so-subtly grabbed Sophie's hand and pulled her down to sit next to him, earning a raised eyebrow from Biana and a jealous glare from Dex.

"Okay, Soph, it's your turn," Fitz said, nudging her playfully.

She giggled. "Okay, um, Linh! Truth or Dare?"

Linh sat in thoughtful silence for a moment before asking, "Can I Pass?"

"No," Sophie laughed.

"Okay, um, Truth?"

"Okay... what's a secret you haven't told Tam?"

"Do I have to tell everyone?" Linh nervously glanced at Tam's glare.

"No, you can whisper it to me," Sophie replied, scooted across the circle to her friend.

"I like Fitz."

Her voice was so small Sophie almost didn't hear it. Sophie bit her lip to hold back the jealousy. She reminded herself that Fitz liked her and smiled at her nervous friend.

Linh smiled back, glancing at the teal-eyed boy across the circle.

Sophie returned to her seat just as Linh turned to Amy and smiled at the girl. "Amy, Truth or Dare?"

Amy opened her mind to answer– Sophie had a feeling she would pick Dare, as she could be quite reckless when they were growing up in the Forbidden Cities– but Juline opened the door and peeked her head in.

"Hi, kids. Amy, Sophie, can I talk to you?"

The sisters got up and followed the auburn-haired woman into the hallway.

Ah! Sophitz is adorable! I'm probably going to say it in every chapter now that they're kinda together or whatever. You'll see what happens. I feel kinda bad for Dex and Linh and Keefe and everyone who can't be with their crush, though. Okay, see you Saturday!

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