Chapter 10

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Sophie wasn't looking forward to the long day of waiting ahead of her, but she and Amy went over to Everglen. Tam, Linh, Keefe, and Dex were also coming ever, so the eight of them were going to do something together to take their minds off of what the Collective might be discussing.

They decided to play Base Quest. Amy, Sophie, Fitz, and Dex were a team against Biana, Tam, Keefe, and Linh. Sophie's team was questing, which was definitely what she was best at, because she could track thoughts to an exact location. She transmitted the locations to her teammates while she stayed at the base. It took Amy some time to get used to hearing transmissions, but she was a fast runner and good at catching people.

After the group played multiple games, all of which Sophie's team won, they went inside for mallowmelt. Della was meeting with the rest of the Collective and Alden was in his office, so the group was alone, with a couple gnomes preparing food in the other room.

After they all finished eating, Biana said, "We should do something else. I'm bored."

"Me too," Keefe agreed.

"Okay, but what?" Fitz asked.

"Truth or dare!" Biana suggested, as usual.

Fitz started to protest, but Biana promised it wouldn't get weird. She excitedly led the group to her room. They sat in a circle. Biana went first, asking, "Fitz, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Fitz answered, suspicious.

"What's one thing you've never told me?"

Fitz thought for a few seconds before responding, "The night before your first day at Foxfire, I hid all your makeup."

"THAT WAS YOU? I had to go to school without makeup! On the first day!"

Sophie didn't see what the problem with that was. Elves looked gorgeous naturally, Biana especially. However, the teen had an obsession with beauty.

"My turn!" Fitz said, changing the subject. "Sophie, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Sophie knew exactly what Fitz would make her tell him if she picked truth.

"I dare you to tell me your secret!" he exclaimed without missing a beat.

"No fair! I didn't pick truth!"

"It's the dare. You still have to do it. You only have to tell me, though." Fitz grinned.

Sophie was saved from answering by her Imparter. It was Edaline. Verdi had gotten out of her pen again. Normally, Grady would help with something like this, but since he was gone, Sophie had to help her mother. She promised to be back as soon as she could, and leaped to Havenfield.

Dealing with Verdi took all afternoon, so Fitz leaped Amy to Havenfield. She hadn't gotten a home crystal, since she technically wasn't a citizen of the Lost Cities. She was still hiding from the Council. Edaline, Sophie, and Amy went to sleep.

In the morning, they leaped to Everglen. Julie had hailed her sister earlier that morning to let her know that they were meeting after breakfast.

Once Fitz, Biana, Alden, Edaline, Sophie, Amy, Keefe, Dex, Tam, Linh, and the entire Collective had gathered in Everglen's expansive living room, Tiergan stood up and said, "We have realized that no further action can be taken concerning the Neverseen until we do this, so we have planned to rescue Grady."

Yay! Another chapter! Tbh, not that much happened in this chapter. Sorry! The coming chapters will be much more interesting! ;) See you next weekend!

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