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                     While Annabelle and I are walking away I start to think about Dylan. Dylan and I had an argument awhile ago. I need to go straighten things out with him. I think I know where he might be. "I'm going to go find Dylan." 

"I'll come w-"

"No," I interrupt, "I need to talk to him alone." 

"I understand, i'll just go get Barry some more fruit. Go." She nudges me. I smile at her and run off. I climb up the stairs until I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. I'm on the attic. I see Dylan standing on the edge as if he's going to jump off. Adrenaline shoots through every part of my body.

"Dylan! What are you doing?" I run towards him. 

"I wonder if I jumped, if I would end up home or if i'd be dead." He whispers, I barely make out his words.

"Dylan stop! Don't leave me!" I say crying at this point trying to pull him down. 

"I want to go home!" he turns and yells at me. I stare at him wide eyed and so hurt. "I'm sorry. I'm losing my mind. I'm hungry for food. I miss my parents. I miss school. I miss being normal. I don't know if I can take this anymore." 

I take a couple deep breaths my self. "It's okay, I guess. I know what you're going through. We're in the same situation here. Don't give up. We're in this together." I tell him. He then steps down and walks towards me and sits down next to me. His hand on mine. We just stare at the world and what it's become.

"Do you think we'll ever get home?" His voice limp and weak.

"I don't know. All we can do is hope. But what I do know, is we need to go back downstairs and deal with the zombie. He talked again, infront of Anabelle this time. He likes Cherrys and named himself Barry." I laugh at that last part. 

"Barry. Huh. I believe you. How bout I go see that for myself?" He smiles at me. We both stand up and just hug.

"We're going to be okay. I know that for sure. I promise." I whisper. He grabs my hand and we walk back downstairs by Anabelle and Barry. Anabelle smiles at us while she's feeding Barry. Barry refuses to feed from her when he sees Dylan with me. Barry just stares coldly at Dylan. 

"Hi, i'm Dylan." He says nervously and as if he's expecting no response.

"Ass whole." The zombie mumbles. I look and Caroline and we both start giggling. 

"What did he just say?" Dylan says shocked.

"Ass whole." Barry repeats. Clearly. As if he's a completely normal human being. I look at him shocked. 

"Whoa, that sounded good! Say something else!" I exclaim. He thinks for a couple seconds.

"You are....beautiful." He says again, perfect except with a little hesitation in his last words.

"You're getting so much better at your speech!" 

"Slow down cowboy!" Dylan laughs at Barry. Barry mean mugs him.

Barry then looks back at me and says, "I'm changing."

"How?" Anabelle asks.

"Feel. I feel." He says. 

"Do you need some sleep?" I ask.

"Please, yes." He nods quickly. 

"Okay..." I say while we start getting up to leave him alone. While we're walking away I glance back at him. He is already resting. He must be super exhausted and confused about everything. Caroline, Dylan and I walk to the cafeteria. We end up just finding stuff to eat lying around. We then go explore more around the mall. Caroline and I take showers and find new outfits to wear. We take about most of the rest of the day figuring what outfits we wanted to wear just to end up picking out some confortable pajamas. Dylan just helps us out with his opinion about the outfits. Calling me beautiful over a million times.   

For some reason, Dylan is not the same to me anymore. I like him so so so much, but i've lost the light in my eyes for him. Ever since he yelled at me and tried being rough with Barry. I can't be with someone who goes to violence even if he's in the wrong state of mind. I mean i'm a girl, and i'm handling this way better. I pretend nothing is wrong. Occasionally, kissing him on the cheek. I think he knows it too. I think he lost interest in me aswell. He just doesn't want to hurt me as much as he already has. That's what I think atleast.

Later on we check on the zombie and he's still sleeping. He's been sleeping for a long time. But I guess if I were him I would be too. We all then prepare for bed. I don't know if i slept, or day dreamed through most of the night.

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