Chapter 25

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I sat impatiently on the chair waiting for the prosecutor to say anything.

I don't like this.

The man snuck a glance at me as I forced a small smile which he returned with a grunt. "So i'm going to cut to the chase." He cleared his throat as he lined the papers up in a row and shuffled them. "Do you wish to press charges against Mr. Derrick Fulmes?" I stared at the little imprint on the table that strangely looked like a hamburger. "Yes." "Do you know what this also means?" I pulled my eyes away from the hamburger thing and met the mans eyes. "Jail time." He added. "And lots of it since this is his second offense."

Derrick in jail. I liked the sound of that.

"Yes." I almost whispered. I slid him the folder I had and he gingerly grabbed it scrolling through the pictures. "This is...?" "The evidence I have against him." The man adjusted his glasses with another grunt. "I doubt you'll even need this, all witnesses have agreed to testify against him." I nodded thinking of all my friends, it amazes me how things can change so much within a few months.

The court and everything about it all meshed into a blur. I remember the judge calling out the words guilty as my friends made small noises. Derricks ruthless glare burning into me as they slipped handcuffs on him and began to pull him away. "Wait." He snapped as they started to go past me. He leaned in close enough for me to feel his hot breath against my face. "This isn't over, princess." I give him a stern look before sucking in a breath trying to keep my composure." "I think it's long been over, prince." He scowls at me before they push him along, Ryan and Brendon give him a deadly look as he passes while Spencer and Caleb keep Emily in her seat, shes just itching to climb over and attack the man. We clear the room and all meet back outside, I smile feeling a sense of pride when Ryan holds my hand and squeezes it to remind me hes here.

"I think that went extremely well." Emily smiles stretching out her arms. "So now what? He's gone and all is well?" Spencer asks looking a bit bitter, he likes drama. Caleb walked over and slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him while shooting a look of victory to Ryan. "I am proud of you little sis, you finally defeated the bad guy." "And got her prince charming." Ryan winked which made me giggle. Ryan went to hold my hand but Caleb swept it away giving him an icy glare. "Touch her and i'll never invite you to the family dinners." I glanced at Caleb and back at Ryan. "The family dinners are usually just me and Caleb, sometimes Emily too." I whispered. Caleb returned my sass with a light hit on the shoulder and a sarcastic look. "Our dinners are fantastically fun." "Sure they are." I rolled my eyes.

We decided to spend the day going downtown and looking around at all the little shops, spending time with friends is a great way to relieve pent up stress. Emily instantly jumped at a window pointing at it. "Caleb!!" She screamed and snatched at his arm and dragging him into the building. After about 10 minutes they both walked out with a bag, Caleb not as excited as Emily is handed the bag to her which she quickly snatched away. "Look guys!" She pulled out little bracelets which were color coordinated with us. Pink was me and Emily's while blue was Caleb and Ryan's and green was Brendon and Spencer's. "Why in the fuck do I have to pair with this ass hat?" Caleb hissed giving a burning glare at Ryan. "Because we're the boyfriends." Ryan noted. "At least SOMEONE caught on to it." Emily laughed. I felt a bit embarrassed that we we're all pretty much adults and wearing matching bestie bracelets, it felt a bit childish, but a good childish. I smiled at them as Ryan walked towards me. "I don't mind this." I glanced up. "The bracelets?" "Yes, that too. I was more referring to the new excitement that has entered my quiet life, I like it." He gave me a small kiss as we look around at all the stores. We began to trail behind everyone as they all jumped around. Ryan closed the gap between our hands as I felt my body shiver with excitement. He smiled down at me with a warm hearted look that could melt me. "I love you, Arya." I felt my heart just explode, is that possible? "I love you too." I smile weakly feeling my whole body ache, he made me happy. 

I stared back in front of me at all my friends. Brendon and Spencer were stopped at a bakery looking at all the food they wanted while Emily and Caleb were arguing about which movie was better to watch during a date. I glanced at Ryan who was laughing at them too, everything was falling into place, even a cloudy morning can part into a sunny day.

                                 And so the wilted rose began to bloom once again.

                                                                                                                 The end

Hope you enjoyed this little fanfiction :)

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