Chapter 17 {Ryan's P.O.V}

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I sat on my bed with my computer in my lap as I looked at my old music lyrics. I threw my head back as my phone on the other side of the room went off. I moved my computer and glanced at it. "Emily?" I clicked the button to answer. "Hello?" "Grab a jacket and get outside NOW, bring Spencer and Brendon or whoever is home and get out here ASAP!" "Wait what?" She ended the call on that as I looked around. "Ok?" I told the guys and we all hopped in Emily's car. "What's the occasion?" Brendon smiled. "Arya went home." Emily sighed putting the car in reverse. "She what?" I asked looking around. "I thought she was asleep? I put her to bed!" "She waited to sneak out so you guys wouldn't stop her, she had something important she left at that house, and I know for a fact she would have called back by now. Emily sped up as I stole a glance at the guys, hopefully we showed up to a party that wasn't interesting. "If you knew she was going why didn't you go to stop her?" Spencer asked. "Two girls against one guy, doesn't sound smart in my head." She concluded while whipping around a sharp turn. We pulled up to an apartment complex as I was unbuckling my seat belt I heard Emily yell. "ARYA!" I glanced up to see Arya just hitting the ground with Derrick at the top of the stairs. I jumped out of the car and ran over to her and slid onto my knees. She had bleed covering her head and was unconscious, I heard Brendon on the phone with 9-1-1 as I heard the door click shut. I stared up at the top of the stares as I pulled Arya up to lean against my chest. "Don't do it." Spencer whispered as he joined next to me. "I should kill him." I snapped looking down at Arya. "It's not worth it, he won't get away with this one." I nodded hugging her to my chest tightly, i'm sorry you had to go through this.

We sat on the benches waiting for the nurse to come and report back to us. I played with my thumbs as I stared at the floor. I heard pounding footsteps as Emily stood up. "Caleb-" "Where the fuck is she?!" I didn't lift my gaze but I heard the accusation coming. "It was you, wasn't it!" Caleb stopped in front of me but I didn't have the energy to fight back. "No- Caleb it wasn't Ryan's fault! Arya went back to her house alone and got attacked." Emily was sobbing at this point, she had been since we got back to the car, Spencer drove us here instead of her. I had this weird numb feeling inside me, I didn't cry or want to scream or anything, I just wanted to sit next to her. Before Caleb could continue the nurse popped out of no where and called out Arya's name. We all stood up as all I could picture was Derrick being arrested before we left by the police, his face wasn't upset but more like he had just achieved a life long goal, it pissed me off. I glanced up at the nurse, for some reason she didn't speak at first but read over her clip board. What if Derrick killed her? she fell down quite a bit of stairs and that can cause her brain to bleed. What if she didn't leave and stayed inside with him, what would he have done? "It seems she had a minor concussion, no broken bones thankfully but she fractured her wrist so we're going to prescribe her with pain med's for that. Mostly just cuts and bruises but other than that she seems alright." The nurse closed the packet of papers and nodded. "Family first for visitation." Caleb walked in by himself as we all sat around again, I sort of felt bad for Emily. He came back about 5 minutes later and nodded for all of us to come in. I had this sick feeling when I saw her in her bed covered in bandages and IV's. The first thing I noticed was her busted lip and bruised cheek, then it went down to easily made out bruises on her neck, they definitely looked like they were from his hand. her right wrist was bandaged up so it was hard to move in place. She smiled as we walked in her typical cheery smile. I caught sight of something around her neck that I didn't notice before. "Did you find it...?" Emily asked first fighting the deadly silence that threatened us all. She reached up with her bad wrist and slowly set it down and switched over, picking it up with her good one. "Right here!" Something nipped away within me, I had this unbearable anger build up inside of me quite suddenly. "You went back for a piece of jewelry?" I asked with quite a snappy tone. "Yeah, it was the only thing I could keep from my parents, they gave it to me before they died." She didn't meet my eyes, refused too. "Well i'm sure we are all glad you're okay!" Brendon smiled as she nodded. "I didn't mean to try and scare you guy's, I just thought I could get it and leave without a trace, I didn't think he would react like that." "Did he touch you?" I didn't even realize that was my voice that said that until everyone glanced from me to Arya. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Did he touch you in any other way?" I tried to clarify, she was trying to play it off. "Sexually."I concluded which made everyone raise an eyebrow. She paused before answering which made my blood boil, she was thinking, thinking of something to say. "If you're referring to sex, he didn't rape me." She chuckled as if it were a joke, played it off well but I didn't want that to conclude. "I don't mean the full thing." She finally met my eyes with a hard glare that shut me up, she wanted to hide something. "No." She concluded.

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