Chapter 20 {Emily's P.O.V}

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                        Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT! I looked around in a panicked state as I pulled the covers off of me. I grabbed my underwear off the floor and quickly put on my pants. "Why are you up so fucking early god damn..." I heard the deep voice groan. I glanced at the bed in complete horror as the man leaned on his elbows and stared at me. "Oh." Was all he managed before looking around. "Did we...?" I nodded vigorously as his eyes widened. "That isn't good- I mean you were good but you know.." "CALEB!" I yelled slipping my bra on. He nodded knowing to shut up as he pulled his boxers on. "Well... Now what?" "What the hell do you mean, now what?" I threw my hands in the air in frustration. "I just slept with my best friends brother." "We were drunk, calm down." I shook my head. "You don't understand how dire this is, the first time, I was willing to forget it, but this is the third fucking time I've slept with you while me and her were best friends!" Caleb nodded slipping his jeans on. "Well to be fair, the first time we were younger, the second time was recently and the third time..." He shrugged. "I get it, you can't get enough of me, I know, i'm hot." I stood aloof to the whole mentality this man has. "I can't keep doing this with you..." Caleb stood up defensively. "Why? God knows it's not because I suck in bed because from what I heard last night-" "Caleb! Seriously! Shut up!" I rubbed my temples as I paced around, he stood up fixing his hair in the mirror and finally turned to watch me pace. "Why are you freaking out, Ary will understand if we just explain to her-" "No, you don't understand! She might think I've been using her for you!" "We all know that isn't true, i'd be willing to have sex with you-" "Caleb, oh my God!" He chuckled grabbing his shirt from the floor, I felt pretty disappointed he was putting it on, his body is super delicious. "Maybe instead of sneaking around we should just, you know, date?" I gave Caleb the sickest expression I could. "Or not." "Don't get me wrong lover boy, you're hot and all but you are my best friends BROTHER!" Caleb shrugged. "Again, I don't see what the problem is..." I sighed. No, you totally wouldn't. "I have to tell her..." "It would sound better coming from me you know." I nodded, he was sort of right, he was better at wording things. "Does that make me seem cowardice?" "Not really." I nodded slipping my bra into place as Caleb appeared behind me pulling it back off and pulling me back down to the bed. "i'm feeling a round two coming on." "technically round four." He laughed and he leaned back taking me with him.

                    I listened to Caleb on the phone with Arya as I ate his leftovers from the night before. "How about tomorrow morning then?" he nodded with an irritated smile. "Alright bye." He turned the phone off giving me a look of disgust. "What?" I asked biting into the meat loaf. "She had a lunch date today, and i'm guessing it's with that Ryan dude." "So what?" "So what!? That's my little sister going on a date with a- what does he do again?" "Writes song lyrics." "Does that even pay well?" "It can?" He nodded. "Either way the only person she should be thinking to marry is me..." I laughed at that as he shook his head. "You know she never had that phase where she wanted to marry her dad, so when I stepped up I thought she would be all over me but she wasn't." "First off, you have a terrible sister complex, second, most girls do not go through that phase." "I just want what's best for my little Ary, she's had it tough and deserves someone as awesome as me." I nodded. "Your ego is your best feature about you." "Isn't it enticing?" I rolled my eyes finishing the plate. "So what do you plan on telling her?" I asked pulling a pudding cup out of the fridge. "Hmm, I'm not too sure, should I tell her we're dating?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Fuck buddies?" He asked. "NO!" I sat down. "Alright, dating it is." "So were dating? That was a terrible way to ask me out." "Emily Labriz, will you go out with me?" He asked in a smooth tone. "Yes, my prince charming." I teased. As much as I would love everything to work out perfectly I doubt it would be that easy, what Caleb doesn't know is that I promised Arya that I would never go for her brother. She's had plenty of friends who befriended her just to turn on her and go try to have a nice time with her brother, I have never had it happen to me before but I can imagine that it isn't a good feeling. I wonder if I should get her some sort of gift, you know to ease the war and turn it into a battle. "If you worry too much you'll get wrinkles." He commented with a small snort. "Fuck you." He raised and eyebrow. "Please?" He gave a small smile as I threw the empty pudding cup at him. 

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