Chapter 5

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                 "So who was that exactly?" "My ex boyfriend." Ryan raised an eyebrow. "Why was he so mad? Wanted to get back together?" I shivered at that very thought. "It's a little bit more complicated than that." Ryan smiled. "I am all ears!" I contemplated talking about it, but I ended up doing it anyway since he did come to my rescue. "So basically he messed up, multiple times, and is now being faced with jail time and could be pressed with charges? And that's your decision to make?" I nodded. "AND he wants you to drop the charges by threatening you?" I nodded again. Ryan nodded with me and looked away like he was thinking. "Does he know where you live?" "He does." "And you are okay with going back home alone?" I stayed quiet but sipped my drink. "Can you stay at someone else's house for awhile?" I shrugged. "I don't want to make them have to stop their lives for me." "What do you mean?" I sighed. "My best friend, the one you met earlier, she isn't good with being organized, she doesn't know when she has dates with guys or when she has work, it's quite stressful." "So you don't wanna hurt her love life, I get it." "And as for my brother, he's a bit.... well he is hard to handle, since I don't have parents he's kinda stepped up on that role and is very protective." "Okay so loveless best friend and overprotective dad-brother guy." "Basically." "Why don't you stay with me and my roommates?" "Excuse me?" "I'm serious! We have an extra room and don't worry about it, there's a girl living there too so it wouldn't be weird." "I just met you though." "You already saw all of the roommates, they were at the bar! Remember big ol' teddy bear Spencer and Dick guy Brendon?" "Wait, you were with those guys?" "Yeah, I stayed quiet, I didn't want you running into me 'accidentally' again and dropping all my shit." I laughed and took another sip. "Come on, you'll not only be safe but meet new people, your friend Emma can-" "Emily." "Emily or whatever you call her, she can even check on you or whatever best friends do." "I don't know man..." "Oh come on, there really isn't a reason to say no... The guy's aren't going to sneak into your room for a quickie, they're cool." I nodded glancing at my phone. "I mean..." I read a text from Caleb. //Everything Okay?// I sighed and smiled. "Only for a little bit." "Of course!" "Fine." Ryan smiled like he had just won the lottery, little does he know if anything he lost the lottery, I have expensive tastes. I giggled at the that thought. "Well, shall we go grab your stuff before your  crazy ex sets it on fire?" "No joke, he probably would." "You seem to attract the crazy ones to you." "Well if that was true, that'd make sense since you're here." "Hey, I never said I was crazy!" I grabbed my jacket and we walked out. 

                  We stopped at my house as I looked around. "Would he be weird enough to hide in a closet or under a bed for you to come home?" Ryan asked. "Honestly I have no idea." "Wonderful..." Ryan whispered. I grabbed a suitcase and set it on my bed. "How long do you think i'll be at your place for?" "Hmm probably a few weeks, just pack whatever you usually wear, unless you don't wear anything." He smiled. "No." I shut that conversation down. "So, when are you supposed to be at court with Mr.Crazy?" "A few weeks." I threw some random clothes, my toothbrush, makeup, and other things, for some reason it was kind of depressing. "Ready?" I nodded taking a glance around my little apartment. I texted Emily and Caleb in a group chat. //So i'm staying at Ryan's house for awhile until everything blows over.// I didn't even walk 10 feet until my phone buzzed. Caleb replied. //Who the hell is this Ryan?// I smiled and continued to watch both of them reply back and forth. Emily replied next. //What the fuck is this bullshit, you're getting more dick than me right now!// which made Caleb instantly respond. //Wait WHAT! WHO IS RYAN! THE ONLY THING YOU SHOULD BE GETTING IS A BIBLE!//  "Everything alright?" I glanced at Ryan as we got into the car. "Yep." The drive was quiet but had it's peeks when we both sang to the same song, he liked music I could tell. "Oh yeah, what did you ever do with those song lyrics?" He didn't turn to look at me but kept his eyes forward. "Nothing." "Oh come on, don't get all distant now, they were good!" "You barely even looked at them." "Then let me see them so I can!" He shook his head with a small smile. "Nah, they're depressing." "I like depressing, and now that I say that out loud I sound like a goth." "Not really." We pulled into the driveway, the house was very nice. Two story with a balcony and everything. "Woah!" "Like it right? Hope so." I nodded. "Wow." Is all I could manage as I walked inside.

~~~Little Note~~~

If I offend you in any way possible just know, I don't care. I am a table and i'm incapable of feeling guilty or remorse so... Hope you enjoy so far!

Ryan Ross -Leaving It BehindWhere stories live. Discover now