Broken | Kate's journal entry

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Dear diary,

Its been a year since I confessed my feelings to him. We didn't speak for a while. Well, for around 8 months. I'd see him at school. Everyday. With Leah. It killed me.

But, he kept trying. Trying to be friends with me. I knew we would never be like the way we were before.  That was the only reason I was scared to talk to him. It felt alien to talk with him formally. 

I vaguely remember how I shut down my phone after I told him I loved him. I was scared. Somehow, I knew he'd never accept me. People might think I can get anyone if I want. I'm not drop-dead gorgeous, but not ugly too. I remember crying the whole day and night. My parents not even concerned about what had happened to me. I didn't eat anything that day. Or the other week. I also remember feeling as though I were Bella Swan, which disgusted me immensly and so I decided to stop moping.

I finally came out of my room after a while. I was not bombarded by anyone as to where I had been. I wanted people to miss me when I wasn't there. I wanted them to notice me, care for me, have night-outs with me, read with me, laugh with me. But alas, no one wanted to be that person. Girls just bitched about me and guys just flirted to get in my pants. I needed a change. I was tired of myself. Of my life.

We eventually started talking. Just casual stuff of course. I still miss him. I still hated to see him so close to Leah. I sometimes cried too. Of course, no one knew about it. But I had to move on. And I did. I'm just grateful that I had such an amazing friend, who stood by me and did not leave me even after we stopped being best friends. Drake.


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