Part 18

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I wake up in a panic. My eyes dart around the room trying to see his face, but all I see are monitors and cords.
"Hey good morning honey!" the nurse says as she sees me wiggling around in my hospital bed. She walks over to me and hands me a cup of water and a small blue pill.
"So I have good news!" she begins. I nod slowly as I pop the small pill into my mouth.
"You get to go home today!" she announces cheerfully.
"We only have one more blood test to do and then you're free to go. But be careful, and don't do anything that gets your heart beating very fast." she tells me. I smile as wide as I physically can, and she walks out of the room.
I close my eyes, and take a deep breath. There's not a lot to do, and the doctors said I need one more test, so I decide to sleep until they're ready to test.
I wake up with a start.
"Okay honey! This will only hurt for a second." the nurse says as she pokes a needle into my chest. I gasp in pain, and when I exhale, she removes the needle. I let out a sigh of relief as the nurse wheels a cart out of the room. I close my eyes and sleep again.
"Are you ready to go?" my mom wakes me up happily. I nod groggily. I haven't been home in 2 days. I miss it. I miss Finn.
"Mom." I start.
"Yes honey?" she looks at me.
"Can Finn come over when we get home? It'll make me feel better." I ask innocently.
"Sure honey." She smiles at me and I can feel my cheeks heating up.
"Yay thanks!" I hug her as we walk out of the hospital and climb into the car.

OK SORRY GUYS! This is a kinda crappy chapter I'm sorry. I'll write another chapter tonight to make up for this one. Xoxo Alexis 💖

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