Part 12

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I sit on my bed with my head in my hands, bored. I pray to god that something good happens, and it's like he answers my prayer. My phone suddenly rings, it's Gaten.
"You wanna come roller skating with Millie and me?" He asks and my heart flips over.
"Yeah! What time?" I prod him for details.
"Uh, 4 to 6. Meet me at the park in 30 minutes." He informs me.
"Alright awesome! Thanks!" I hang up, and tie my sneakers up. I go through my messy closet until I find my black and white tee shirt, and I throw it over me. I quickly slip on some jeans, and I scamper into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
"Mom! I'm going to the rink with Gaten! See you at 6!" I tell my mom. She nods.
"Wait honey! How are you getting home?" She asks.
"I guess Mrs. Matarazzo will bring me." I smile. She kisses my head.
"Stop growing! I don't like it! You're almost as tall as me!" She giggles, and I roll my eyes and smile and walk out of the house.
Millie, Gaten, and I plop our butts on the small wooden bench and lean over to lace up our skates. I watch Millie fumble with the hinges and then throw them down. She looks up at me.
"I'm stupid. I've never skated before, can you help me tie this?" She points to her skate and I laugh. I kneel down in front of her and lace up her skates.
"Thanks! Can I hold onto you when we skate so I don't fall and die?" She snorts. I nod. Gaten and I stand up and each take Millie by an arm. She sort of stumbles, but it's funny.
"I'm going to be so bad at this!" She yells, the loud music swallowing her voice.
"Hey let's try something. I'll go here, and you try to skate to me. Gaten will stay next to you." I suggest, rolling about a foot away from her. She nods obediently and glides over to me beautifully.
"Yeah!" I cheer and Gaten comes and pats her on the back. She parades around, a huge grin plastered on her beautiful face.
"Well I think you know how to skate now!" I observe. She smiles and nods. She takes off around the rink, with us following. We cheer and clap and dance around the rink, gliding in big graceful swoops. Suddenly the music stops, and Millie looks at me with wide, glittering eyes. Gaten smirks at us.
"And now-" the DJ starts." Time for the couples skate! Find your partner!" Millie and I both cough at the same time and then shrug. We grab each others hands and skate around together as all the single people leave the rink to watch.
We just stand there, looking at each other. It feels like time freezes, and I don't ever want it to start again. I just want to be here, staring into her big brown eyes forever. I get lost in them. The DJ puts on a slow song, and we laugh, and skate again. I'm feeling daring, so I grab Millie's waist and lift her up as I try to skate forward. She screams and I lose my footing, causing us to both go crashing down. We scoot off the rink, and collapse in a wave of laughter.
"W-why'd you do that?" She wheezes. I shrug, unable to stop laughing long enough to speak. This reminds me of the time we had lunch together, and we fell off the benches.
"You guys are absolutely insane, and adorable!" Gaten screeches, and Millie and I glance at each other.
"Well, I do love my Millster!" I tease, and she looks like she just won an award.
"And I love my FinnyBoi!" She cackles. We high five each other again, and collapse into laughter.
After a good 5 minute laughing session, Millie suddenly stands up.
"I'm thirsty. What do they have here?" She pulls out her small sparkly blue wallet and walks to the snack bar. I follow her.
"Hey do you want to share a strawberry milkshake?" She points to the display. It looks amazing. It's thick in a talk glass with whipped cream and strawberries piled on it.
"Oh yeah that looks amazing! Let me pay!" I tell her and she swats my money away.
"No way! I'm paying!" She hands the man at the bar 5 dollars. He smiles at us. Minutes later, he hands us the most amazing shake I've ever seen, and two straws.
"Woah." I stammer.
We walk over to an empty table and place the shake in the middle. We both shove our straws in the shake at the exact same time, and Millie giggles. She takes a sip, and her eyes go huge.
"That's probably the most amazing thing ever. Well, second. Your first!" She pats my face. I blush.
"I want a sip!" Gaten shows up next to us, pulling a chair up to our table. Millie and I  both roll our eyes at him as he drinks right from my straw.
"Wow!" He exclaims. I smack his head playfully.
"10 minutes till closing!" The DJ announces. Millie and I start to drink the milkshake fast.
We finish it in about 30 seconds.
"Aaah! BRAIN FREEZE!" Millie wails, and I rub her head roughly so her hair sticks up from static. She laughs and smooths it back.
Gaten, Millie and I grab our bags, and walk out of the roller rink. We climb in Mrs and Mr. Matarazzo's car, and they take off and start heading towards my house. I look over at Millie. She's quiet, and she looks a little pale.
"Hey, you okay?" I ask concernedly.
"Yeah I'm fine, why?" She sounds confused. I give her a look to say "never mind" and she smiles at me. We pull up to my house, and I wave to Millie, Gaten, And Gatens mom and dad. I go inside. My fish tank bubbles, and I walk over and grab the container of food and take a pinch and sprinkle it into the water. It floats down, and I get a weird feeling in my stomach.

WWWWWWOW! YOU ALL ARE AMAZING HUMAN BEINGS! The Best Prank has 300 Reads! I love you all more than words, and thank you so much for reading so far! The next chapter is going to punch you in the face. I promise you it's gonna be intense. Prepare yourselves.

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