Part 4

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I sigh annoyedly at my phone. I've texted Millie 3 times and she hasn't answered. I wish she would text me back! As I pretty much slap my phone onto the desk in my room, I hear it vibrate on the smooth brown wood of the desk. A gigantic wave of anxiety and happiness floods through me as I dive over to the desk.

Milliemoo86: Heyyyyy Finn
I hesitated as I stared at my phone screen happily. I didn't want to seem desperate and crazy, so I gave it a solid 2 minutes before I decided to reply to Millie.
FinnSkataBoi: Hi.. I still wish I knew how to change my username on here.
Milliemoo86: Oh! You just go to settings, and username and then edit!
FinnSkataBoi: O!! Ok lemme do that brb!
YaLikeLoboduro: hey Millie it's me Finn!
Milliemoo86: lol I know.. Nice username lol
YaLikeLoboduro: Hahaha thx..
I take a deep breath as I ask the next question.
YaLikeLoboduro: Um, so, do you want to have lunch again tomorrow? I'll buy it this time.
I don't like Millie as a crush or girlfriend, but she's a wonderful friend. It'd ruin Jack if I liked her anyway! He's liked her for as long as I can remember. I can't believe she doesn't know yet.
Milliemoo86: Yeah sure!!! Same time same place?
I smile widely at her response. I'm really lucky she's my friend.
YaLikeLoboduro: Yup! :)
Milliemoo86: Yay!! I can't wait! See you tomorrow!!
YaLikeLoboduro: see you tomorrow!
Millie read your message at 8:52 pm.
I hope Millie and I become very close friends some day.

I slap my alarm clock in frustration. I didn't sleep well again last night. But it wasn't because of Millie this time. It was because of Jack. If he finds out that I have been having lunch with the love of his life, oh man that'll be the end of me. I've never been so guilty in my life however. It feels as if there's this big monster inside of me that's slowly eating my soul, and punching me in the gut every 5 seconds. I keep playing scenes from yesterday's lunch with Millie over and over in my head, and I picture Jack standing nearby with his arms crossed as Millie throws a piece of lettuce at me and it gets caught in my hair. I have to tell Jack. I can't deal with this overwhelming guilt. As I sit up in my bed, my phone chimes.

TemplyTot: Yo yo yo Finnyyy
YaLikeLoboduro: yeah Boi?
TemplyTot: wanna sit with me at lunch?
My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. I was going to tell him about Millie today at school, but it looks like I'm going to have to do it now instead. My fingers tremble as I type. I feel my cheeks heating up and my body shaking as my finger hovers over the send button. Sent.

YaLikeLoboduro: umm well actually, Jack, I've been having lunch with Millie lately, and I told her I'd sit with her. I'm sorry if I made you mad, and you have every right to be mad at me!! I'm sorry!!
I felt like throwing up. I can't believe I didn't tell him sooner. He's my bff after all. He wouldn't let a girl get between us, right?
TemplyTot: oh rlly? ;)
I breathe an audible sigh of relief. He's not mad. He's back to teasing me. Yay.
YaLikeLoboduro: you mean your not mad?
TemplyTot: nah dude why would I be? You know I like her, but I want you to be happy. That's all that really matters to me because we're bros from another mother!
I slightly chuckle at his response.
YaLikeLoboduro: YAY I was so worried you'd be mad and I'd lose my best friend!!
TemplyTot: no way!!!
YaLikeLoboduro: yay... alright I gotta go get dressed and ready for stupid school now.. see ya there French fry!
TemplyTot: French fry?
YaLikeLoboduro: yes.. don't ask. It's your new nickname. Bye bye
TemplyTot: BYYEEEE

I'm lucky to have Jack too. I don't know where I'd be without him.

Hi! Sorry this chapter is lame! I'm tired.😂😂 it'll be better tomorrow!!! Thank you guys for voting and reading this story so far!! I'd like to acknowledge one of my readers. Jetterson200 thank you for reading and voting on my story even tho it sucks!!! 😘😘 xoxox Alexis

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