The Crow

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I panted and gasped for my breath. My leg throbbed dully from the trap. Thankfully it had dulled and rusted over, otherwise my leg would be bleeding heavily or even gone. I had to go and look around to try and determine where I was. I groaned and stood up. I surveyed the vegetation around me to determine how close I was to the safe house. I mentally drew up a picture in my head. Ah-ha! I turned south-east and started walking.     

                                                       After a while I arrive at the safe house. It's really an old shack that the villagers built and then had to sign a treaty with the "ruler" of the forest to keep the animals out of it and to be able to use it three times per month, so that the humans wouldn't "destroy"  the nature in the forest too often. That's why any traps we set out there always dull and rust. Anyways, I arrived and entered the shack. I flopped down on a chair and began to go through all the events that had happened. The creature,(that had terrified our village, ate any human flesh, and even terrified even the most evil creatures alive), had spared me. No one will believe what had happened. I wouldn't believe it had happened if I hadn't been the one caught in the trap and staring at it right in those malicious, blood-thirsty eyes. I realized that I had bitten my lip so hard that it had started to bleed. I swore and wiped up the blood. I was immediately grateful that this shack was smell-proof. Otherwise, treaty or no treaty, I would be dead. I went back to pondering this strange incident until I heard a bone-chilling Caw. I bolted up and peeked out the window. There sat a coal-black crow on a  tree. The crow looked me in the eyes and, almost mockingly,cawed again. It was almost as if it were saying that I was a coward for hiding in this puny shack. "Stupid bird",I muttered hotly. As if I were stupid enough to fall for that stupid trick. . I suddenly gasped for breath,  staring at the tree where it was at. It looked familiar, like from a dream or something. My heart ached as though there had been something squeezing it. I spoke a prayer to the diviner of life, and the diviner of health. The crow looked annoyed and left. I let out a relieved sigh.You see legend said that if you see a crow you are either dead or are being lead to your death. I frowned and scratched my head. It was also said that only the diviners could resist them. You see, there are only four,  three technically, extremely powerful ones. The diviner of life (has the power to bring people back to life), the diviner of health (basically keeps you healthy and strong, which is huge out here), the diviner of death( lures people to their death), and the diviner of the hunt (gives you a good hunt or a bad one, which could mean survival or death out here ). The legend went that after humanity and all its technologies crashed and burnt out, all these creatures came out and started killing off humans; so a group of humans hid in a forest and made a treaty with the protectors of the forest, the diviners. Well, the humans eventually got fed up with the protectors and their rules so they teamed up with a creature so evil, that they said that even death was afraid of it. Anyways, after the creatures defeated the diviner of the hunt ,the diviners surrendered. They could have defeated the humans but they didn't want to risk the creatures wrath. They agreed to watch over the village but never rule again. To this day no one knows who they are but we keep offering up prayers to them, hoping they would reveal themselves to us. We also hope that the diviner of the hunt will come back and hunt these creatures with us, to make up for past mistakes. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

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