4.] The Storm

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Authour's notice; Hello! I know you're probably disappointed in the over do upload. I won't make excuses because I know I should work harder at getting it up for you guys. I would mean a lot to me if you would comment what you thought, if you would vote because you just love my writing so much (; And if you love me, to fan (; Nah if you love my work fanning would make me smile!

Warning: This story 'The Storm' contains no gore, no horror and no offensive language. 


The Storm

            Millicent Hatch cried, holding a tissue in her fisted hand. Her tawny blue eyes scanned the gray flurry lined sky above. She listened the best she could from the warmth of her home- with the flames in her fire places raging -for a gunshot. That gunshot would be the ticket to saving her young heart from further damage.

            Panic was setting into her blood stream rapidly. Her body shook yet not due the cold. In fact, her home was probably hotter then an oven. Night had set over the small country town of SherbrookNova Scotia, bringing its frightening demeanour along with it. The small source of light the sun had once offered was gone. Her daughters were out there somewhere, braving both the monsters of the dark and the demons of the cold.

            As she sat in a wooden chair matching to the table set, Millicent rethought that morning’s event. They raced through her mind like a movie. Sadie’s youthful voice, Judith’s jolly giggle, the slam of the front door opening and closing, the whistle of the wind piercing through the air, the crack of the first of the hail hitting the roof.

            Millicent knew this whole situation was entirely her fault. A strangled sob ripped through her raw throat as she acknowledged this piece of information. She dropped her face into her hands and felt her hot tears drop against her finger tips.

            Sadie hadn’t gone to school that morning, because Millicent didn’t want her walking home in the storm. The storm was due to start at noon when the schoolhouse bell chimed twice.

            Since waking up that morning Sadie’s complaints of boredom were repeated over and over in the same whining tone. Millicent was kneading bread, working quickly attempting to get it in the oven before 10. She had no patience, or time to sit around and listen, yet the repeated whine soon drove her over the edge.

            “Go outside” Millicent sighed finally, “Don’t wonder far. The storm shouldn’t be starting until noon, but just to be safe”

            Sadie flashed her brilliant grin and dressed quickly for the chilly weather. Her feet were clad in a pair of brown boots, a green threadbare jacket shielded her body, a blue knit scarf and a matching pair of blue knit gloves were protecting exposed skin. Sadie stopped, wiggling her fingers as she scanned through the basket. She couldn’t seem to find her blue knit hat that went with the scarf and mittens.

            “Probably in my bedroom” Sadie muttered to herself.

            With hurried steps Sadie marched down the hall to her closed bedroom door. She slowly opened the wooden door aware that her little sister Judith was most likely asleep. The door creaked as it opened and under her heavy boots the floorboards squealed. Sadie winced from the noise trying to tiptoe as she snatched her hat off of the brass doorknob of her closet.

            Sadie heard a dull thump as she faced the closet door with her back turned to the room. She whirled around and snapped her gaze to the floor where her little sister laid giggling. Her chubby arms were reaching out for Sadie, a drooling smile across her cheeks.

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