1.) The Tooth Fairy

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Crimson Roses; A collection of Short Stories

Written by ; Ren Elizabeth

Authour's Notice: Hello folks. This is the first story of the eight that will be added. It would mean a great deal to me if you commented. If you feel that I deserve a vote, to do so. And if you like my work enough, to fan. I would greatly appreciate it. Happy Reading! 

Warning: This story The Tooth Fairy may include topics unsuitable for those with weak hearts and low tolerance for blood. No offensive language included. 


The Tooth Fairy. 

The tooth fairy, one of the many myths children believe in. Just like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, The tooth fairy’s arrival is waited for every time a child’s tooth is hidden under their pillow. Until they hit the age of eight, and the talk of the play ground is that the child only got six dollars this time around.

The tooth fairy’s existence is questioned. Children these days believe that their parents are the ones leaving the money under their cartoon patterned pillows. Do parents deny it? Yes. When their children are still young and they want to keep the naïve glint in their baby’s hearts. 

He went by Don when he wasn’t dressed in tights and wearing angel wings. During the day he worked as a planter. In fact he was the Messer family planter. Alice Messer had him over twice a week to keep her plants in full bloom every season. He was a trusted, well respected man. He seemed harmless, but that was before Luna Messer had disappeared in the dead of the night.

Luna’s mother Alice had driven herself crazy over the month Luna had been missing for. She watched more crime shows trying to get a step ahead in her situation. She spent late nights lying awake in her bed, staring out her window in case Luna raced up the path. She called the police department twice everyday and she was a constant visitor at Sheriff Mahoney’s home.

Seven year old Luna Messer had been missing for exactly a month. She had disappeared from her bedroom on November 23rd. Alice hadn’t heard a sound that night, she hadn’t noticed Luna was missing until that morning rolled around and it was time to wake Luna for school. At first she didn’t comprehend that Luna may have been taken, she figured Luna had left early for school. But that didn’t settle right in her gut.

Luna always took the bus when it pulled up in front of their house at 8:05. She never spent school nights at a friend’s house asAlicewould never allow it. During the night Luna would never leave her room, not even to use the bathroom.

The strange thing was there was nothing amiss in Luna’s bright pink bedroom. The sheets were rustled from where Luna’s small body was nestled. The window with its white satin curtain was closed and sealed tight. All the small Magic Treehouse books were stacked mismatching on the white book shelf beside the bed, the stuffed animals that sat in the window seat remained in their usual position. The princess night light in the corner was still shining and the white closet door remained closed. There was not a single sign of a struggle, entrance or departing. Luna had been taken by someone who knew what they were doing.

The only thing the police and the detectives could find was Luna’s tiny molar tooth. The tooth that had fallen out of her mouth that afternoon. Instead of placed carefully under her pillow, the molar was on the floor in front of the window cushion. It’s pearling white colour gleamed in the princess night light rays.

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