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The great thing about staying in a new place is that you get to learn new things without even trying. You learn by simply observing everything around you.

When i first moved here it felt different. It felt like i was finally free from my problems, like I've become something new.

But in reality, i was just running away from my problems.

Trying so hard to ignore the truth.

Too scared to face the reality.

It's sad because i was hoping that everything's gonna be okay when i ignore them. But no, that's not how life works.

I sighed and continued walking.

I was watching people passing by when someone caught my attention.

It was a tall man wearing black cap and a black mask. He was talking on the phone and he keeps glancing behind him like he's hiding from someone.

When I realized it was Lee Jong Suk, I slowly walked towards him, being careful because he might see me.


I laughed when i saw his eyes turned big. His expression was very funny.

I was about to greet him when he quickly grabbed my hands and we ran inside the building of our apartment.

We were catching our breath when we finally reached our door.

"What was that all about? Why did we run?" I ask between my breathing

"Reporters....hiding from them" he said and removed his mask

"Reporters? I didn't see anyone who's following us.."

"Aniyo.. inside the van guys with camera"

Ahh so that's why he looks bothered earlier.

"Wow so that's what it's like to be a star huh? Paparazzi, reporters it must be hard right?"

He smiled and nodded

"But acting.. is life and love" he said

"Oh yeah by the way i'm watching your new drama! I really love it! You look so cool as Kang Chul."

(thank you)

"Kom- what?"

"Oh i forgot.. thank you in English" he smiled

damn that cute smile

"Ohhh okay.. i have a question" i've been dying to ask him this since i started watching him on his dramas and googling him

"Hmm?" He opened his door and he motioned me to enter. So i did

"Why are you here in LA? Do you have like a new project here? A new drama?" I asked

I saw him stiffened

Is it wrong to ask that? Oops..

"Home is... complicated" he said with a sad smile

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