Chapter Eleven: When The Past Comes Back

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Narrator POV:

Bella's breath hitched in her throat as she looked at the people she once considered family stood before her with mixed emotions. Their emotions went from shock, anger and disappointment as they looked at their new Queen. Bella looked at Jane with no emotion but Jane knew better, she knew Bella was freaking out on the inside and wanted nothing but to pull her away from the people who hurt her, but she knew she couldn't and that killed her. Her best friend was in pain and there was nothing she could do about it. 

Well, maybe there was one thing. 

But she couldn't do it unless she was given the order to do so and she hadn't got that order. 

Bella bent down to Alice who was looking at the Cullen's in confusion, the Cullen's eyes followed Bella and gasped when they saw Alice and the resemblance she has to Edward. "Honey, why don't you go play with Uncle Demetri"

Alice pouted. "I don't wanna go pway!"

"Listen to your mother sweetie," Alec says and signals Demetri who came and took Alice by the hand and pulled her away from the situation. 

Once Bella was sure Alice was safely away from them, she took a deep breath and stood up plastering a fake smile on her face. "Hi, thanks for coming. I hope I don't disappoint you as your new Queen"

Bella had said that same sentence a million times already since the party had started but saying it to them was a struggle to her. She reached instinctively for Alec's hand and gripped it tight once she held it. Alec squeezed her hand in reassurance and this didn't go unnoticed by Edward. 

"How could you Bella? Becoming the Queen and living with the Volturi! You know what they're like!"  Alice cried out

This made Bella angry. "No, how could you? Leaving me like I was some toy to you! The Volturi have been nothing but nice to me! They're my family and I'm honoured that they chose me to be Queen"

"Don't be silly Bella, let go of Alec's hand and come with us. We can be happy, leaving you was a big mistake." Edward held out his hand. 

"And bring your little girl. She's not safe here" Cut in Rosalie

Bella was now furious. Alec, who could see she was getting mad, wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him causing a growl to come from Edward which he ignored.

"I am happy! I'm beyond happy! And if I want to hold Alec's hand I can! He's been there for me and my daughter more than you've ever been there! You leaving wasn't a mistake, it was blessing for me to realise who I really am"

This time, Carlisle spoke up. "And who are you, Bella?"

"She's Queen Carlisle duh" Jane rolled her eyes. "And the woman my brother loves"

Bella's eyes quickly glanced at Alec who was glaring at his sister. Jane simply shrugged and continued throwing daggers towards the Cullen's while she continued to speak. "Bella is happy here. And if you try and ruin that we will kill you"

Edward glared at Alec. "You can't love her! She's mine! She loves me not you! We can raise that child together!"

"You may be the father to my child Edward but you are no longer the man I love" She smiled at Alec. "The man I love is currently holding onto my waist so I don't kill you all. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go see a very confused little girl"

She then walked away with her head high and Jane and Alec following close behind her. She knew the Cullen's won't give up, especially now they know that Edward has a daughter; but she was prepared to fight if it came to it. 

The Volturi QueenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin