"In time"

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"Papa, Seventh...how?!?" asked Sarada while noticing that the barrier she was trapped in disappeared.

"It was all thanks to you Sarada" replied Boruto while handing Himawari to Mitsuki.


"Dammit how long we have to wait dattebasa?!?!" said Boruto while gettig impatient. Sasuke was trying to hold still. Suddenly, Naruto appeared beside Sasuke.

"Naruto.." said Sasuke trying not to act surprised.

"Hokage-sama!" said Mitsuki.

"Teletransportation Jutsu" Naruto replied. "Where are they?"

"Inside the cave" replied Mitsuki. "But there's a barrier, just like the last time blocking our way"

As they all turned around they sensed a familiar chakra mixed up with many others.

"Is that?" asked Boruto.

"Sarada!" said the Uchiha male. The girl was directig a group of girls to the exit.

"Papa, we're in trouble" the clone said.

"Wait you're a clone? Where's the real you dattebasa?" asked Boruto.

"Fighting Shang" she said before vanishing. Then they felt something strange.

"What is that?" asked Boruto.

"The barrier, it's dissappearing" said Sasuke. Then Naruto entered the cave as fast as it could.

"We don't have time dattebayo!!" he yelled while activating his nine tails mode.

Sasuke stared at him for a while before nodding in surprise and following him. He knew what was gonna happen.

*End of flashback*

"That's how we got here" Boruto finished saying.

"What about the other girls?" Sarada asked.

"They're guarded with my clones" Mitsuki added while the young Uchiha nodded.

"The mission's completed. Let's get them back to their families" Naruto said while taking Himawari from Mitsuki's arms. "Hima..."

"Papa..." she murmured while opening her eyes, getting a warm and comforting look from her father.

Himawari's eyes widened while her body trembled. "Papa!" she said while crying and hugging him tightly.

"It's okay Hima, daddy's here dattebayo" he said while hugging her back. "Let's go home"

Boruto watched the scene and did his best of not to cry. He felt guilty of what happened.

"Boruto" said Sarada while caughting her attention. They both stared at eachother for a while without saying a word.

"Let's go" Sasuke said while watching the entire scene. He knew that Boruto was sorry for what he did to Sarada but didn't know how to apologize to her plus, what happened to Himawari shocked him so he knew he needed time to process everything.


Months later at Konoha, everything was fine. Sarada helped Himawari receive therapy at the hospital and didn't return to her ninja duties until Himawari was fine.

Naruto got the courage to tell Hinata who panicked from what happened and started to cry. But once he told her hat she was saved she felt relieved.

The Uchiha family was preparing to receive twins. Sakura and Sasuke's relationship was rebuild with the pass of time and Sarada was happy to know she was gonna be an older sister.

Boruto continued his ninja duties with Mitsuki. He didn't had many missions as before so he spent his time training hard to become stronger.

Mitsuki usually helped him with his training but started to notice that his friend was depressed. Boruto was only focused on his training and didn't act as idiot as before.

"Are you sure?" Sarada asked while eating her ramen.

"Yes, I think you should talk to him" he replied.

"Can't it be someone else? He has you, also his parents. Shikadai can help him too"

"It could be an option but I want you to take care of this one" Mitauki added. "Ever since we came back from the mission he started training harder and stopped talking that much"

Sarada stared down at her bowl. She knew something was wrong with him since they got back. "I know but... I don't know how to talk to him. Since he said those things about me that day, I"

"I...?" Mitsuki insisted.

"I don't know if I should trust him" she sighed.

"But you still love him" he added. Sarada gave him a dead glare.

"Nonsense, he's just an annoying brat.." she added while turning her face away from his teammate.

"Just promise me that you will try at least as a teammate" he said while Sarada sighed.

"Fine, I'll do it" she said while looking at the clock. "I gotta go home. Mama's waiting"

"See ya' tomorrow then!" he said while watching her leave.


Late night,  Sarada was trying to get some sleep but she couldn't.

"Dammit.." she cursed while waking up and walking to the kitchen. She served herself a cup of milk and stared eating some cookies.

"Can't sleep?" Sakura said while walking in.

"Yeah, how about you?" she replied.

"Normal as usual, your father went to the office abot something Naruto asked him so it's jist the two of us" she replied.

Sarada nodded while eating her cookie and lowering her head.

"What's wrong Sarada?" she heard her mother say.

"Nothing it's just..."


The young Uchiha sighed, "Mama, remember the story you told me about you and papa?"

"What part of it?" she said.

"The time Papa was away from the village and you went out looking for him....and when you found him he tried to..."

"Oh that time.." Sakura said in a sad voice. "What about it?"

"How did you managed to keep loving him after that?" Sarada asked curious.

"This is about what Boruto said about you, right?" she said while Sarada gulped. "Well, in my case it was a different time and.."

"But you almost died mama" she said. "How did you manage to trust him after that?"

"Because he wasn't himself at that time" she said. "He was immature, and was extremely confused and blinded for what happened to the Uchiha clan. I knew that, that's why I didn't gave up. I knew that under all that hatred and revenge he had there was a young boy dealing alone with a traumatizing event."

Sakura smiled at her daughter. "Boruto's dealing with something like that in a different way. He witnessed what happened to you and also what almost happened to his sister. He's a nucklehead and while trying to overcome what he saw from you he screw it up baldy."

"So you're saying that I should give him a chance?" Sarada asked.

"It's your choice Sarada. I've heard you call him while you sleep. But eitherway, he's feeling useless so if you want to help him this is your chance.." Sakura said while giving her a goodnight kiss.

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