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Screams echoed the cave. She tried desperately to supress the pain she felt from all the torture those rogues ninjas were doing to her.

"Aaaaaarrrghh!!!" she yelled, hoping that someone will come and save her. Her tears falling through her face, evidencing that the pain she was feeling was inhumane.

She knew they wanted her to unlock her powers. Also she knew they wanted her eyes. She didn't know the exact reason of course, but she was aware that she needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Does this hurt you, little princess?" said the man who she thought it was the leader of the group. The way he talked to her made her want to punch him in the face. He looked at her in a sick, disgusting way. He desired her.

"Why that look? Aren't you having fun with me?" he asked while getting close to her face.

"Get off me!" she said in a dangerous, yet scared tone. "Bastard"

He laughed, "Not until you show me your powers, so then I could take your eyes.."

She blinked. It was the time to get information about him. "What for? If you take my eyes it'll be no use for you. Only Uchihas can use the Sharingan."

"So you think I'm not am Uchiha?" the man asked.

"What?" she asked in surprise.

"Long story short, my mother was from the Uchiha clan. But she was expelled because she married a man from outside the clan back then. So here I am" he said while activating the Sharingan in one eye.

"Impossible.." Sarada murmured.

"Yeah yeah, now let's go back to play shall we? Show me your eyes.." he said.

"NO!" yelled Sarada while closing her eyes.

"Very well, I guess I must do this the hard way.." he motioned a man to inject her a posion.

"This will hurt a little, princess." he said while kissing her cheek. Sarada bited his ear in response.

"Arrrgh! You brat!" he said while smackig Sarada's face. She smirked while a line of blood escaped from her mouth.

"Go ahead, punch me." she said, "That's all you can do now because I'm tied. Go, kill me if you want to! I'll prefer that a thousand times than giving you my eyes..." she said while laughing like a maniac in front of him.

"Then I have no choice" he said while injecting her the poison.

Soon, the screams and cries echoed the cave again.


Sasuke woke up agitated. His face covered in sweat and his Sharingan activated. He had a bad feeling about what was happening to Sarada.

He looked at his comrades. Two days passed after they found Boruto and Mitsuki injured in that cave. They haved asked the villagers for some clues about the rogues ninjas but nobody dared to say a word. Apparently, they were scared of what they might do to them if they say something.

He sighed, thinking on how they ended up like this. He thought about the long journeys he had made to protect the village and for his redemption. On how he missed Sarada's first steps, her first words, her first day at the academy....

He had missed it all.

"I'm a bastard.." he said.

"Now you notice?"

He looked at Sakura who just sat beside him. "Can't sleep?" he asked.

"No, and I guess you can't either." she replied with a sad tone. They both stood like that without facing each other or sayig a word for a while.

"Sasuke.." he heard Sakura say. For some reason he missed the 'kun' she always had for him. "Do you think we'll find her?"

"Hn." was all he could reply. To be honest, he wasn't sure if Sarada will still be alive when they found her. He was scared of that mere thought.

"Really? That's all you're gonna say?" Sakura answered annoyed. "Geez, Sasuke our daughter's missing and all you can do is say "Hn'?!"

He shut his eyes blaming himself for what his wife said. He knew all of this was his fault and Sakura was already gettig tired of this way of living. "Sakura..I-"

"Huh?" she said confused. He knew long ago that it was time to open up for her and his daughter. He was already thinking on taking a break from his journeys to spend time with his family. He just didn't know how to..

"It's all my fault. If I were a better father and a better husband, none of this would've happened." he said while taking a breath, "I know Sarada hates me and I know you're tired cause I've hurt you many times. But I want you to know that I've always been doing my best to make sure you and the village will be safe."

Sakura didn't say anything. He lowered his lead. "But I failed. Sarada's gone missing because of her last name and they want their abilities. I promise that I'll find her even if I must turn the world upside down again."

"Sasuke-kun" he heard her say while grabbing his hand. "Don't blame yourself. This things happens during missions. Also, it's my fault for not making her understand the kind of missions you do putside the village. And for me...I just miss you and it hurts me seeing how Sarada suffers like you did when we were genin.."

They hugged each other. Sasuke murmured in Sakura's ear. "I'll never leave you again...It's a promise"

He broke the hug to give her a sweet kiss on Sakura's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, Sasuke-kun." she replied.

Sarada Uchiha: My little girlWhere stories live. Discover now