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"Hima sweetie" called Hinata with worry as her daughter slowly wake up. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes mom" she murmured. "How's Sarada-chan?"

"She's stable, why?"

"I think I have an idea of how to get her back to us" Hinata looked at her daughter with confusion. Then Himawari told her mother everything.

"Well, I think we should ask Ino for that" said Hinata while nodding. "I'll go get her"

Hinata went to Ino's office and found her organizing some papers. "You're busy Ino?"

Ino turned around to see the Hokage's wife. "Hinata!What is it? Is Himawari alright?"

"She's okay don't worry" she said while Ino lowered her head in sadness. "Ino is okay, Hima knew this could happen"

"Yeah, but I didn't know it could go so bad" she said.

"Well, Hima got a new idea for this so I think you might listen to it" Hinata said while giving her a smile and proceeded to tell Ino everything. After a while Ino's face turned to a bright one.

"THAT'S AMAZING!!!" Ino said. "Hinata your daughter's a genious!"

Hinata nodded in awe. "Thanks Ino. But how are we gonna do it?"

"Well, since it's a complicated process I though of using Sarada's parents in it. And thinking of the shock they'll have while seeing the results I uess we should use you and Naruto for back up."

"Naruto-kun and I?" Hinata asked.

"Yup, You're their closest friends and probably we'll find nasty things in Sarada's memories. They'll have a breakdown so your role will be to support them" Ino said while Hinata agreed.

"Then when we will start?" Hinata said.

"Right now"


Some hours later Ino, Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata were in Sarada's room surrounding her bed. They were all in their seats.

"Okay, this will be though so you better be concentrated. Remember we are in her memories. All we will be seeing it already happened." Ino said while holding Sasuke and Sakura's hands. Naruto ans Hinata did the same to form a circle around the young Uchiha.

"Let's do this -ttebayo!" Naruto said while everyone agreeded.

"Mins transfer jutsu!" Ino said while starting the process. Suddenly everyone were trabsfered into Sarada's mind.

"We did it?" Hinata asked. They were all standing in a dark room.

"Yes" Ino replied. "We're already here."

"Then where should we go -ttebayo? Where's Sarada-chan?" Naruto asked.

"It's not that easy" Ino replied. "Since Sarada's memories are probably blocked some where I guess we have to find them."

"How?" Sakura asked. "Everything's dark in here"

"Sarada's chakra" replied Sasuke. Everyone nodded. They had to track her chakra.

As everyone walked through the dark hallway they suddenly stopped to watch a strange figure at the end of it.

"Is that?" Sakura asked. Hinata activated her Byakugan to see it clearly.

"Is a statue" Hinata said. "A...petrified one"

"Petrified?" Ino asked with worry. Sasuke noticed her tone. He knew something was wrong.

As they walked closer, they suddenly heard cries, screams and laughs. Hinata went closer to Naruto while holdig her hand. Sakura sighed while following Sasuke. Then she suddenly gulped when he grabbed her hand and held her close, knowing that she was getting nervous.

As they reached the statues they could see their details very clearly. Also the echoes they heard came from there. Ino looked at the statue clearly.

"Oh, so yoy finally made it here huh?!?" they heard a sarcastic yet confident voice from above. Ino and Sakura gasped.

"What was that? Who are you!?!" asked Naruto.

"This sensation.." Ino said with fear.

Sasuke looked at his wife. "Sakura"

"It's Inner.." she said while everyone looked at her. "Inner Sarada.."

"Inner Sarada?" Hinata asked in confusion.

"Double personality" Ino replied.

"She inherited from me" Sakura said. "Usually is a more confident one that helps and protects you from danger."

"I confronted Inner Sakura at our first Chūnin Exams when I did my mind jutsu. Inner Sakura sensed the danger and shot me out that time." Ino explained.

Sasuke turned around to speak. "You said we're finnaly here. Why you were waiting for us?"

"Simple. So you could help me get rid of this mess" Inner Sarada said. "See this statue? It's the Sarada you want to get back. I caged her here."

"Why would you cage yourself like that?!?" Narut asked.

"So I could save the non broken memories I have left!!" Inner Sarada said.

"Broken memories?" Sakura asked. "What do you mean?!"

"They poisoned us to break our memories. We wouldn't give the Sharingan at first so they tried to do it the hard way.." she trailed off.

"Is there a way to repair them?" Hinata asked.

"Yes, but you wont like it" Inner replied.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked.

"If you keep walking you'll enter Sarada's broken memories. You have to watch them one by one to repair them. " She said. "Once you're finished I'll be able to unlock these ones safetly."

"I'm ready it." Sakura said.

"Hn." Sasuke nodded.

"One more thing" Inner Sarada said before the group started walking.

"What?" Ino asked.

"Some memories...the bad ones cannot be erased or healed" she said. "It already happened that way so it can't be changed."

Everyone nodded before starting walking. After a while Sasuke looked to Sakura.

"You sure you're ready for this?"

"No" Sakura said. "I'm afraid though, but it's my little girl we're dealing with. And I'll do my best to get her back."

Sarada Uchiha: My little girlWhere stories live. Discover now