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I felt the grin edging is way onto my lips so I quickly turned away from Harry. If he, in fact, was not jealous I'd look creepy grinning at him like a mad scientist. With the best ounces of posture I could muster I made my way back over to Louis and Niall. They were laughing about a joke I had apparently missed during my encounter with my curly devil. Louis' hand slapped me on the shoulder while he tried to support himself from his fit of giggles.

"Gab," He barely got out in-between breaths. "Gabbs you missed it! Niall just said the absolute funniest thing in the history...of ever."

"Oh really, what was it?" I asked. He had now sparked my curiosity.

He creased his brows together making thin wrinkles on his forehead. Louis shrugged and gave me a goofy smile. "Actually I can't remember...It was funny though."

Don't get me wrong Louis is a great guy. One of my best friends really, but sometimes I just can't help worrying about his mental stability. I rolled my eyes at my best friend and they landed on Niall. He was wiping under his blue eyes with one finger while he tried to catch his breath. I decided now was a better time than never so I inhaled and wished myself luck.

"So Niall," I breathed out. He perked his eyebrows up at me to show I had his attention. "I heard you have a...Well a little birdy told me...."

"That I like you and think you're pretty." He said before biting his bottom lip. I choked on my spit. I laughed while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Niall's blue eyes were casting a spell on me while his accent unleashed the butterflies in my gut. Having this affect on people should be illegal.

"Yeah, uh sure. Why not?" I agreed nervously as I fidgeted with the wrinkles in my clothes.

"Do I need your room number or should we just meet at the teen club?"

"Your choice really," I breathed out. I have no idea why the clouds just became the most interesting thing on the planet. Maybe it was because the Irish hunk smiling at me.

"I think your room would be best to see you in."

There I go again choking on air.

"I mean, not that I only want to get you in your room. You probably don't even like your room. Not that your room isn't good or anything..."

Louis cleared his throat; saving his friend from further embarrassment. I could see his eyes glassing over with all the insults he's just dying to throw our way. But I won't let that happen to this sweet boy. Who, by some twisted piece of nature, finds me attractive. Go figure.

"Shut it Lou!" I screamed while wiggling my finger in his face. He nipped at it and I recoiled with a yelp.

"I'd be happy if you picked me up at, let's say seven." Niall pulled out his phone and handed it to me so I could give him my info.


After changing my outfit for the thousandth time, I settled on a sheer yellow sleeveless shirt, dark blue ripped shorts, and floral Doc Martins. My hair was tied in a loose bun and my earrings were tiny sunflowers. That's right, its good to keep it casual.

The sound of knocks organized into a beat shocked, yet amused me. I danced over to the door and breathed in deep. As I exhaled I peeped through the looker and took in the sight of blond hair and gorgeous. I opened the and smiled when he handed me a guitar pick.

"What's this for?"

"Think of it as a free ticket. At anytime, even if our date turns out shitty, I'll play you a song on me 'tar." I couldn't help but bite my lip and turn away from him. He was overwhelming.

"Thanks, that's really sweet." I said and meant it. I tilted my head towards the end of the hall; signalling that we should start walking. He agreed and took my hand in his big one. His fingers were rough, only proving that he does play guitar.

As we moved down the halls and up a few stairs we came to a halt. The music blasting from inside the "Teen Club" made it hard to think. And I wasn't even inside yet. I almost backed out on going in but the look of excitement in my date's oceanic eyes made me rethink that.

The double doors swung open and so did Niall's arms. He had his arms spread out in the air as his head and hands bobbed up and down to the music. He's quite the character.

"Come on!" Is the last clear thing I heard from him as we approached the mosh-pit of bodies in the center of the room.

"Do you danced?" He asked a bit too late. His hands rested on my hips causing me to inhale sharply. I shrugged so he took that as a "yes".

He used his hands to guide my hips from side to side. In all honestly, no I don't dance. I'm probably the worst dancer to ever disgrace music. But for some reason, right now, I feel like I know what I'm doing. Its like the music never stopped and took me to another world. Just lifting me up and finding all my secrets.

A few songs passed and we were both sweating and tired. I probably won't ever look at dancing the same way again. I'm just glad that he didn't try anything too inappropriate.

"That was fun!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, it was." He panted out. Hard to believe he'd be more tired than me. I did all the hip moving. He just kind of swayed there and let it....

Oh my God!

I did not just grind in this poor boy. He must be so confused.

"I'm sorry I don't know why I was dancing like that. I usually don't do that."

He looked shocked by my apology but he soon waved it off. "You apologize a lot." He took my hand, "But believe me that wasn't something to apologize for."

The blush ran up from my neck to my cheeks. Do people always freaking talk like this? Am I out of the loop?

"Heh heh, yeah." I awkwardly replied.

"Ready to go?" He piped up.



"This was fun." I sighed with my back toward my suite door. Niall hummed in agreement. "So I guess I'll see you later?" I started to turn towards the door.

"Gabby?" I looked up. Just then Niall took my chin in his finger and lowered himself to my height. His lips touched mine softly and tenderly. Only seconds later he pulled away. Leaving me fish lipped and eyes still closed. I heard him laugh and I slid my eyes open slowly. The smile on his face showed me that my reaction was amusing to him.

"Whoa," I said in slow motion.

He snickered again, "I liked it too. See you tomorrow." I only nodded in response as I fumbled to unlock my door.

Harry who?

(XD she's mac-daddy Gabby!)

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