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Author's Notes

*The story focuses on the following themes:

**Cheating and lying

**Drug addiction

**Inappropriate pleasure pursuit

**Loss and suffering


**Happiness and joy

**Spiritual restauration

**Change of life

**The Power of God

*I based this story on many different testimonies I witnessed about people being free of drugs and bad relationships by Jesus.

*The scene when Luna is hit by a car is taken from the 2014 film God's Not Dead, when Professor Jeffrey Radisson is hit by a car near the end of the movie.

*The song Luna was singing with the children are the lyrics of the song "Jesus You're my Superhero" by the Christian band Hillsong.

*The scene where Richie dies to save Luna is based on the 2002 film The Climb when Michael saves Derrick's life but dies at the process.

*Initially, Sam was supposed to die due to a drug overdose, but then I discarded the idea.

*This has been (for now) my most praised and criticized fanfic.

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