I promise

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I woke up and my wrist stung, and were soar. I got up and got ready. I wore a white long sleeve and my black pants. I ran downstairs and out the door. I went to school.

I got to school and went in. I went to class. My day went fine, Martinus completely ignored me all day. I'm not sure what his problem is, but I didn't want to talk to him anyways. All I had time to think about was my sharp razor digging into my soft skin.

I got home and went to my bedroom. I grabbed the razor, pen, paper and went into the bathroom. I locked the door and started writing the note. I finished and immediately dug the razor into my wrist and let out a quiet scream of pain.

I made another and another. I stopped once I got to 6 on each wrist. I began to get dizzy and hit the floor. Everything went completely black.

Kyra's P.O.V
School was over and I had an uneasy feeling. I then felt a sharp pain in my wrist. I let out a scream. It went away. People in the hallways looked at me. I felt another and screamed.

"Babe, are you okay?" Todd asked. "Shut up!" I said. He went quiet. Another came and I screamed. "What the hell?" Nadine asked. A few more came and I screamed.

Then I felt nothing. "Something is not right" I said. "What do you mean?" Todd asked. I didn't say anything, I just ran home. I had a bunch of people following me. At this point I didn't care.

"Kyri?!" I yelled through the house. Nothing. "Kyri?!" I yelled again. Nothing. I ran upstairs and into her room. A drawer was open, but nothing was in it. I ran to my room, and dads.

I went to the last door. The bathroom. "Kyri?!" I asked softly. Nothing. I hit the door. Nothing. I started to bang on the door. Nothing. "KYRIAKI?!" I yelled while banging.

"God damn it!" I yelled. I took a deep breath and hit the door so hard it flew open. I saw Kyri laying in her own blood. "KYRI!!!!" I yelled. Tears poured down my face.

I started to shake her. "Call 911!" I yelled. Todd ran in with Nadine and a few of my other friends. "Let it go" Todd said. I got up and slapped him hard across the face.

"There is no way no way in fucking hell I'm going to let it go. Do I look like Elsa?! No! So if I were you I would leave! She is my twin sister! I'm not going to let it go!" I screamed. "Geez clam down" he said. "CALM DOWN?! NO, MY SISTER COULD BE DEAD! I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE, AND DON'T COME BACK!" I yelled.

He left and so did Nadine. "The ambulance is on its way" some kid said. "Kyri? Why?" I asked. "Hello Ms. What is her name?" The EMT asked. "Kyri" I said. "What is her age?" She asked. "16" I said. She nodded. I moved out of the way so the couldn't her on the stretcher. 

The put her on the stretcher and secured her. I leaned against a wall and slid down it crying into my arms.  The one came back to me.

"Can you tell me what happened?" She asked. I nodded. "I felt a bunch of sharp pains in my wrist and after the 12th I knew something was wrong so I ran home and nobody answered, so I broke the bathroom door opened and saw her like that." I said.

"Are you family?" She asked. I nodded. "Okay, can you meet us at the hospital?" She asked. I nodded. "One more question, does she have any health problems?" She asked. I nodded.

"Anorexia is the only one" I said. She nodded. "Thanks" she said. I nodded and she walked away. Everyone left. I went back into the bathroom and saw a note folded. I unfolded it with care and began to read.

Dear whoever is reading this,
I know your crying right now but don't be. I wasn't alive to start with. My soul and everything had died a long time ago. Don't be sad, this is what I wanted. I know I may seem like I have the perfect life and others have it worst, but my mind is so screwed up that nobody could have saved me.

I chose this, this was my happy ending. If I'm truly dead I want this to be read at my funeral. I was to be burnt to ashes. I know I seemed happy, but darling I wasn't. I want to thank Martinus for being my boyfriend, Kyra for being my sister, my dad for raising me and my mom for making me. I love you,

I need to get in contact with the troubles to make sure they had nothing to do with this.

I called Jason first. Lucky for me he was with everyone else.

Me- Jason! Did you guys have anything to do with Kyri cutting herself?
Jason- No, why would we?
Me- There is a good damn chance she is dying right now!
Jason- I'm sorry, but we haven't spoken since pretty little Marcus and Martinus came back. Try them.
Me- Whatever.

I hung up and dialed Martinus.

Martinus- Hello?
Me- Did you have anything to do with Kyri cutting herself?
Martinus- She what?!
Me- She is in the hospital right now, but did you?
Martinus- I don't know, can I see her?
Me- I don't know, would she want you to see her?
Martinus- Probably not.
Me- Then that is your answer.

I hung up. I drove to the hospital. "I'm here for Kyri" I said. One of the doctors vastly made their way to me. "Come with me" he said. I nodded and followed.

We went into a room and there laid my sister. Her pale dead looking body made me cry. She was hooked up to and ivy, and had blood going into her body. Luckily the monitor was beating.

I sat in the chair and began to wait until she woke up. I know I may come off bitchy to her, but I have a reason. I was jealous that she saved herself, I was jealous that she was smart and nice. I was jealous of her.

Now I regret it all. I saw her hand move out of the corner of my eye. I sat up and looked at her. "Kyra?" She whispered. "I'm here, I'm here" I said then pressed the call button sending a doctor in.

The doctor explained everything then left. "Kyri?" I asked. "Yeah?" She asked. "Please promise me you will never cut again" I said. "I promise" she said. She closed her eyes and went back to bed since we aren't leaving until tomorrow.

Please never cut again.

A/N: Hey, thanks for reading. Please vote, comment, and share. -Ni💚💚

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