I've Changed #2

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"Who is this?" I asked walking out of the library. "Kyriaki, this is your mother" I froze. I couldn't talk, move, or blink. I felt paralyzed. My phone slid out of my hands and hit the ground making a shattering noise.

I still couldn't move. I felt myself lean back then hit the floor. Teachers and students rushed over to me trying to get me to talk. Someone then touched my hand and I felt like electric was flowing through my veins.

I still was stuck in the same position. Everything went black as I closed my eyes. That was the end of it. I couldn't remember anything else.

Martinus' P.O.V
We saw Kyri and another girl that Marcus has a crush on so we walked over to them. "Hey" Marcus and I said. Kyri and the other girl stayed quiet. "Can we-" Marcus asked before Kyri cut him off. "Sit, Renesema I'm going to go. I'll catch you later" Kyri said. "Uh, oh okay, see ya" Renesema said. I got up and walked away. She walked into the library and we turned to Renesema.

"I'm going to go see if she is okay" I said. Marcus and Renesema nodded. I got up and made my way to the library.

"Who is this?" Kyri said walking out. I pushed myself against the wall as she turned her back to me. All of a sudden she stopped and didn't say a word. I thought I was busted. Her phone slid out of her hands shattering on the ground.

She was still in the position. She slowly leaned back and hit the ground. She stared blankly at the celling. Teachers, students and I ran to her. Everyone was touching her until I grabbed her hand and she closed her eyes.

A tear fell down my cheek. I'm not sure why, but I felt electric explore my body when I touched her. With in minutes an ambulance showed up and took her away. I picked up her phone and all the sharp shards of her screen that hit the ground.

At this point Marcus and Renesema were walking to me.  "What happen?" Marcus asked. I turned to him "I'm not sure" I said. "Why are you crying?" He asked. "I don't know" I said. He hugged me.  "We will go see her after school if you would like" he said. I nodded and we went to class. Please be okay Kyri, I think I'm in love with you.

Kyri's P.O.V
I woke up to a beeping monitor. My dad immediately pressed the call button. A doctor came in. "Hello Kyriaki, how do you feel?" He asked. "Overwhelmed" I said. "Okay, how about physically?" He asked.

"Fine" I said. He nodded. "Okay, so you had a panic attack and fainted" he said. I nodded. "Were going to let you go home, I'm going to get the paperwork and I will be back." He said unhooking the monitor from me. I nodded. He smiled and left.

"Hi hunny" my dad said. "Hi dad" I said softly. "Hunny, what happened?" He asked. "Sh-she called t-today" I studdered. "Who? Who called?" He asked. "Mom" I said. "I'll be back" he said. I nodded.

He left and I went into the bathroom, got dressed, then a doctor came in. "Hello, three of your friends want to see you, is that okay if I send them in?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled and stepped into the hallway then...

Marcus, Martinus and Renesema stepped in. Two of them are people I've been trying to avoid. We all just stared at each other is silence. They all moved a little closer.

They made their way to me. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "We came to see you" Marcus said. "Why?" I asked. "We are your friends, and that is what friends do" Renesema said.

I nodded. We all sorta talked until the doctor and my dad came back in. "Your free to go" The doctor said with a smile then left. "Okay kids, I'll take you home" dad said. They all nodded.

We all walked out and to the car. They sat in the back and I sat upfront. They gave them directions to there house which just so happens they are at the other side of our street and they are neighbors.

We went back to our house and I got in. "Dad, what did you do when you stepped into the hallway?" I asked. "Sit down and I will tell you" he said. I nodded and sat.

"Your mom has claimed that she changed.  She said she put her past behind her and well she want to see you again. She said she had a surprise" he said. I nodded. "So tomorrow after school you have the choice to go to the park and see her or come home" he said. I nodded.

He kissed my forehead. "I need to go to work, take it easy" he said. I nodded and he left. A while later the doorbell rang. I opened it and Marcus, Martinus and Renesema stood before me.

I stepped onto the porch. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "We came to see how you were doing" Marcus said. "No, you can't anymore" I said. "Why not?" Renesema asked. "Don't you get it yet?!" I asked. They shook their heads.

"I'm ignoring you" I said. "Why? What did we do?" Martinus asked. "I'm no good for you, you can't be around me." I said.

"Why not?" Martinus asked. "Because, I'm no good for you! There is a chance of me ruining your life! Stay away from me, because if you don't you will get a bad reputation just like me" I said.

"Don't come around me" I said turning around to face the door. I was whirled around to come face to face with Martinus. He pressed his lips into mine sending shocks into my body.

I pulled away. "I'm in love with you" he said. "I'm in love with you too, but there can't be an us. You can't love a broken, troubled girl" I said. "But I do" he said. My heart melted into nothing. He kissed me again. "Will you please, be my girlfriend?" He asked. I nodded.

"I will" I said. He kissed me again. "But you really have to go before Kyra see's you" I said.  They nodded and Martinus missed me before they left. O went back inside and got !y night clothes on then went to bed.

I am not Martinus' Gunnarsen's girlfriend now.

A/N: Hey, thanks for reading. Please vote, comment, and share. -Ni💚💚

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