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~ Back to Kyri's P.O.V ~
"Kyra!" I yelled. She came in. "Yes?" She asked. "Why do I need to go?" I asked. "Because, now get ready!" She snapped. She walked out and I put the dress on. I curled my hair and put a little bit of makeup on.

I put my black wedges on, grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. About that time Kyra came down. We walked outside. Todd was waiting in his pick up truck. The truck was filled with football players.

"Your sister came with?" He asked. Kyra nodded. "Your in the way back with those two boys, what are their names?" Todd asked. "Marcus and Martinus" Kyra said.

"Do you need me to open the tail gate little princess?" He asked. "Its fine" I said. "You can't get up there with out it" He said. "You want a bet?" I asked. "Loosed has to get drunk" he said. "Fine by me" I said.

He smirked and we walked to the back of the tail gate. I literally just jumped in. "Joke is on you, I was going to get drunk anyways" he said. Kyra and Todd then got in and Todd drove.

Marcus and Martinus looked at me in shock. I looked at them in shock just to mock them. "You know you don't seem like the type that would go to a party" Marcus said. "Looks may be deceiving, I'm kidding. I got told to go my Kyra. You don't look like the party type either" I said.

"We got told that we had to come." Martinus said. "By who?" I asked. "Brady and Kai" Marcus said. "Oh, yeah they are the ones throwing the party" I said. The truck came to a fast halt sending me into Martinus' lap. We looked at each other for a few seconds before I vastly got up.

Everyone got out of the truck, so I jumped out. I opened the tail gate for the boys. They climbed out, I closed the tail gate then we went in. I stopped when I smelt all the alcohol.

Gross. Nadine spotted me and ran to me. She fell in my arms. She was drunk. "Nadine?" I asked. No answer. I felt something wet drip down my arm and a faint snore. I looked down and she was sleeping/ drooling on me.

OMFG!!!! I gagged. I picked her up bridal style and set her on the couch. "Wait, take me to the bathroom" she said. I let a sigh out and took her to the bathroom. She puked in the toilet sorta. The rest landed on my shoes.

Yup, that's great. I slid my shoes off quickly and took Nadine back to the couch before she fell asleep. I sat down for a second before getting pulled back up. It was Kai. "Come with me" He said. "No, why?" I asked.

"Because, just come" he said. I groaned and we went. He brought me out side where everyone was gathered around in a rectangular shape.  We walked closer until I realized it was a pool.

I turned back around to leave, but four boys got closer. Kai laughed. "No, no, no" I said. "Oh, come on" Kai said. "What can I do instead?" I asked. "Kiss me" he said. "I'd rather eat dirt" I said.

Everyone oooed. "You have 3 seconds to jump in" he said. I stood their. "Make me" I said. He came closer then he stopped. "Jump, or I push you in" he said. "Why me?" I asked. They all looked over beside me. I looked over too. Kyra.

"Because, I need you to make sure it doesn't give you frost bite" She said. She walked closer. Is it sad that I'm scared of her? She evilly grinned. I handed Kai my phone. She got about a foot away before I jumped in.

I went under far enough then swam up. "Is it cold?" Kyra asked. "Yes, but not enough to give you frost bite" I said. I jumped out. The cold air hit me and made me tremble.

Everyone slid their clothes off and got in. "Wait, your towel is over there" Kai yelled pointing to the chair. I walked over and picked up the soft fluffy white towel and wrapped it around my body. "Your phone is under the towel" Kai yelled.

I nodded and pulled my phone out and clicked YouTube. I plugged my headphones in and typed Marcus and Martinus. The first song that came up was called 'First Kiss'. I clicked it and it was catchy. Next was 'Like It Like It'.

It was super catchy. Damn, no wonder they have so many fans. Next was a song called 'Elektrisk' then 'To Drapper Vann', 'Bae', 'Hey you', 'Without you', 'Girls', 'Heartbeat', 'Together', 'Na Na Na', 'Light it up', 'Plystre på deg', 'Hei', 'I don't wanna fall in love', 'Ekko', 'Go where you go', 'Ei som deg', 'One more second', 'Slalom', 'Leah', 'Du', 'Blillstille', and 'Gæærn'.

I listen to them all. God, I love there songs. The only problem is that I don't speak Norwegian, so I don't know most of the songs.

I got up and I was dry now. I went into the house and went to the kitchen. Plastic red cups were laying everywhere. I grabbed one of the clean ones and poured water in it. I drank the water then threw my cup away.

I went to the couch to see Nadine still sleeping. I tapped her until she woke up. "Awe, fuck! I've got a horrible headache" she said. "I know, come on. Were going back to my house" I said.

She smiled and got up. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed my puke shoes then ran back to Nadine. We were about to walk out the door, but Martinus stopped me.

He stared me in the eyes before pressing host soft lips against mine. We broke away, and I couldn't taste alcohol so, he wasn't drinking. He then wondered away.

I was shocked. It felt like a million fireworks went off. Nadine and I walked out the door and to my house. My house was only like two blocks away, so it wasn't far. We got inside and went to my room.

We both crawled into bed. Our backs were pressed against each other and she was out like a light. I slowly fell asleep thinking of Martinus kissing me.

A/N: Hey, thanks for reading. Please vote, comment, and share. -Ni💚

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