The light

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I wake up with a start looking at my mate in a hospital bed next to me
"what the hell" I yell, ripping out the IV in my arm
"hun, you shouldn't be getting out of bed, your unwell",, the nurse said, observing me.

"Unwell, my ass", I yell, getting up
"How? I mean, how are you even standing? You were in a coma for a week," the nurse says, looking frightened. "Coma? What do you mean" I ask, turning to her?

"Your sister called saying you and your friend passed out. We brought you here, and you were already in a coma," she says, calling the doctor "my friend, how is she?" I ask with a fuzzy feeling inside me, warning me I need to ask.
"well, she's alive, if that's what your asking", she whispers, "that's not reassuring", I add, knowing what I'm about to hear will break me.

"Your friend was forcefully marked a year ago by the looks of the trauma on her neck; she's awake and all, but I put her to sleep for the night so she can rest; she wouldn't stop crying. We believe the reason she passed out is that is because whoever marked her found their mate and marked them, breaking their bond," the nurse finishes as the doctor walks in.

"I see you are up. That's good. What do you remember?" He asks,
"nothing" I reply simply.
"is this young woman your mate?" He asks. I look down at her; she looks so peaceful, so calm. I touch her arm, feeling the sparks go through my hand and up my arm giving me a fuzzy feeling, almost as if I'm on cloud nine or high. I hear her heart monitor pick up. Her eyes start to flutter as if she's trying to fight the sleep and wake up. I jump back, removing my hand from hers in the process.
"I guess so, I mean, last night I found her, but I'm not so sure if she's my type, if you know what I mean," I reply.

"Well, by the looks of it, it's not a significant factor; otherwise, she wouldn't have put you in a coma when she was unmarked

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