Summer Flings

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It was lunch. After I had ran out of the library and gotten to the cafeteria, I found Jade sitting across the room from Kate. The glare they shared was petrifying. So I did what any bored and slightly annoyed person would do. I sat directly in Kate's line of sight from Jade. I heard mumbling and a chair moving, then saw Kate leave the room. "And Miss. Roberts strikes again." Jade says in a very fake English accent. "Triumphantly I might add." I hear a voice say behind me. I jump and turn around. It was... "Danny!?" Jade and I chorus. A flood of memories coursed through my mind, each one fighting for my attention.

"Taylor! Sweetie come to the phone, it's Danny."

He would always call me.

"So how've you been?" He would ask.

"Good." I would reply.

Then he would always ask the same thing.

"Because I can't talk to Jade, can you tell her that I love her."

I always wished he would say that to me. I had a huge crush on him while he was dating Jade. Total BFFL rule breaking I know, but he was worth it. They broke up two summers ago. He had sea green eyes and a blonde fringe that would turn you to butter. But then he moved away from Miami to Florida. Then the calls stopped. And I got over him.

"Yoo-hoo! Anybody home? Earth to Taylor!" Jade was snapping her fingers and calling my name for my attention. I snap back to the present and welcome Danny back to Miami. He smelt so good. Not as good as Zayn- NOPE! Stop that thought! Okay. Continue.

"So Taylor, I hear one direction are staying with you! That's so cool. Could I meet them?" Danny asks. Like a six year old asking for his mother to buy him something. I nod and skip fourth and fifth period to chill with five of the six hottest guys in the planet. Danny included.


"Hey man, I'm-" Niall begins. Apparently the boys had nothing better to do then sit around my house eating my food. Danny cuts Niall off. "Niall Horan I know!" Danny says in a giddy, childlike voice. Almost gay. Hmm. That's Danny though. A girly guy. The rest of the boys shake Danny's hand. It was awkward at first but then the ice melted and somehow we started talking about the movie '10 things I hate about you' starring Heath Ledger. Jade and I swoon at the actor. But I think there was a pink elephant in the room. Well a tan one, and sorta blonde, and tall and- "I get the feeling that Danny is...odd." Zayn whispers in my ear. It sends shivers down my spine and and goose bumps up my body. I remember to respond like a normal person and nod. "Okay," Danny started speaking in a 'I'm scared' kinda way. "I'm gay." He states.

MIND equals BLOWN!

"Huh?" Is all jade and I can muster.

"That was a secret?" Niall says.

Danny shrugs and nods. Niall smirks. "Well I thought it was obvious. By the way Jade, Taylor had a huge crush on him during the summer you two dated."

Jade gives me a betrayed look and runs outside. Harry racing after her.

"How did you know?" I demand.

Niall shrugs. "Your mum told me last night."


Heyy guys!! Omg 1.2K+ reads!!! That's amazing!! Could get a few more votes and feedback though... <3 love ya my minions.

P.s SORRY for the short update but I had to give you guys something.

P.P.S I know no one really cares about Danny coz you guys don't know who he is yet but just chapter is....interesting :)

Bye minions. :)

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