Waking up with them

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I think the real Louis Tomlinson is on wattpad and I just started following him and the rest on 1D. I had a slight screaming fit and then started to hyperventilate -I can fan as much as I want- and then my writers block disappeared!! but is its some one playing a sick joke then i will find you and kill you. here you go :)


I woke up to the sound of a heart beat. Mine. Slow and peaceful. I hear a commotion around me and try to sit up. I manage and try to clear the head rush I got. I move my hand from the side of my hospital bed only to feel an extra weight on it. I pull away from it quickly and a frizzy red head shoots her head up. "OHMYGOD! you'reawake, didyouseethem? Whatwasitlike? Harryspoketome! Ithoughtiwouldgocomatoselikeyoudid!" Jade speaks at a rapid pace. Pausing between what I assume were sentences. "Jade. Breathe." I say trying to calm her. But her eyes grow wide as the hospital room doors open. "How are you feeling?" Niall asks me. Niall. As in Niall Horan from One Direction. As the rest of the boy band follow in tow, Niall places a glass of clear liquid on the side of my bed and smiles down at me. I almost faint again. I awkwardly smile and I turn to see Jade.

She had stood up and walked over to Harry, causing her blushing cheeks to show their redness. I hear quick foot steps march through the sterile room and walk straight towards my bed. It was a short woman, dressed in white with pink scrubs. Her hair was black and focused on the clip board that she picked off the end of my bed. "Miss. Roberts. I"m Nurse Matilda, do you know why you fainted?" The Nurse Matilda asked me. Her voice sounded like she did this alot. I look around the room and find Jade's eyes drenched in excitement. I turn back to the nurse. "I think I over-heated from the excitement." I lie. Matilda looks skeptical but smiles and excuses herself.

I hear a loud commotion out in the halls of th hospital and see my mother come rushing through the door. "MY BABY!!! Are you hurt? What happened?!" My mum exclaimed. God this was embarrassing. The boys stood up and greeted her. My mum then said the dumbest thing I had ever heard: "So who are you boys?"

My mental face palm could have caused an earthquake. "Mum! This is One Direction." I informed her through gritted teeth. The blood rushes to her cheeks and her eyes go wide. I see her count with her fingers. She counts four. "Where is the other one? In the bathroom or something." The boys looked uncomfortable and awkward. The first time I've seen them when they weren't confident. Nurse Matilda walks back in with a tray of food. Saving the boys from more awkward silence. I didn't realize how hungry I was until a saw as cup full of green jelly with a spoon sticking out.

Instead of inhaling my food, I decide to eat it slowly, savouring its unique taste. Once I was finished, my mother took the now empty cup and spoon and handed it to Liam. Asking him to dispose of it.My eyes widen as his does as he almost cringes at the sight of the spoon. Mum quickly retreats her hand and chuckles nervously. "Well," Harry says, "Louis is missing and I'm not going to stand around and wait for him to come back." He turns to my mum, "Your daughter claims that you're a P.I. I would like your help on finding my brother." Harry said straight-forwardly. Oh crap. I forgot about that......

Mum gives me a look.

I try and plead with my eyes and she rolls hers.

"Yes. I will need to talk to every one who was involved. Does he have a girlfriend or any family that was with him?" Mum asks, following protocal. Zayn steps forward and shakes his head. "His girlfriend broke up with him before the concert...he said that he needed fresh air." OH! Poor Louis. "Boys I think we should go back to my house and sort it out there." My mother says. "WHAT! I mean yeah sure." I blurt. One Direction at my house!!! AHHHH!!!!!


sorry for the filler :D

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