chapter 5

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Elise POV

I woke up in Natasha's arms this morning and it felt so good. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. The way some of her hair falls over her face. The fact that she's smiling makes her even more beautiful. I decide just to stay where I'm at a little while longer to look at her.

I soon get up gently and quietly so not to wake her and start to make some breakfast. Midway through I feel her put her chin on my shoulder.

"Well good morning there" I say to her

"Good morning to you to creampuff" she replies making me blush a little.

"I can't believe we fell alseep on the couch" I told her turning around to look at her.
God she's so beautiful. I thought to myself.

"You were the one who fell alseep on the couch  first. I only slept there because I didn't want to wake you. You look cute when you sleep" she replies with her famous smirk. The one that makes my heart skip a couple of beats.

"Oh you're such a gentlewoman" I say giving her a playful punch on the arm

We eat breakfast and just hang around for a little bit but then Natasha has to leave because she has to go film a video for the KindaTv YouTube channel.

After we say our goodbyes I decide to call up Sharon to see if she wanted to do anything today.

S: Hey Elise, what's up!

E: Nothing just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today?

S: Yeah sure! Your place?

E: Yeah sure

S: Okay! I'll be there in 20 :)

When Sharon arrives I get us some snacks while she puts on Netflix for us. I come back out and we start watching some movies when Sharon notices something I didn't.

"Hey Elise. Is that Natasha's jacket?" She asks me

I look and yup sure enough is her jacket on the floor near the door. She must have thrown it there last night.

"Umm.. y-yeah I think it is?" I reply trying not to stutter

"Did she stay the night last night? And don't lie I know when you're lying" she tells me with a hint of laughter in her voice

"Yeah she came over and we were watching movies and we just fell asleep." I say trying to hide my blushing

"Oh my god Elise you have feelings for her I knew it!" She says after catching my blush. " I always knew you liked her!"

"Sharon you cannot tell anyone I swear! Please. And besides nothing's going to happen. I doubt she even feels the same way" I say a little sad

"Oh please. Natasha likes you too we all know it. The way she looks at you. She doesn't look at anyone else like how she looks at you Elise. She has mad feelings for you." Sharon says

"Really?" I ask a little excited but didn't show it.

"Yes! OMG you should totally surprise her and ask her out on a date. OMG" she squeals at me, shaking me out of excitement.

"Should I? I'm to chicken to do it. What if she says no? What if she doesn't want to be more than friends? What if-"

"Elise shut up. She will say yes to you we ALL know it. Go over to her house and ask her out. But it should totally be something romantic cuz we know Natasha is a softy at heart. You got this Bauman!" Sharon tells me

"Okay fine I'll do it tonight when she gets off work" I say confidently thinking about all the things that I can do for her.

We go back to watching movies but Sharon then has to go because she's going to film something with Kaitlyn. On her way out she tells me that I got this and that she'll love whatever I do for her.

She leaves and now I'm alone again just thinking. Okay it's only 5 o'clock Natasha doesn't get off til 5:30 so that means I can go over at almost 7 giving me almost 2 hours to figure the best way to ask her out.

I go to the store buy some roses and a bottle of wine and go back home to think of what I'm going to say.

Hey Natasha. I don't know how to say this but I really like you and I have for a long time. I can't stop thinking about you. You light up my world and without you my world would be dark. You are beautiful and amazing and truly the most caring and loving person I know. So will you go out with me?

Yeahh that should do it. It's not the most romantic but it's all I can think of with right now.

It's almost 7 so I get a uber and go over to Natahsa's place. I just stand out there thinking of all the things that should go wrong but then think.. I'm Elise freaking Bauman I can do this.

I go up to the door and knock and Natasha opens it. I can help but stare at her beautiful figure but then realise what I actually came her to do.

"Hey Elise! I didn't know you were coming over. What's up?"

I girl the hell up and just go for it saying exactly what I memorized on the ride here

"Hey Natasha. I don't know how to say this but I really like you and I have for a long time. I can't stop thinking about you. You light up my world and without you my world would be dark. You are beautiful and amazing and truly the most caring and loving person I know. So will you go out with me?" I say kinda fast and bring the roses out from behind my back.

Natasha just stands there looking at me for a second and I got scared thinking she was going to say no when all of a sudden she smashed her lips onto mine making she stagger a little but she put her hand on my lower back to keep me steady. I'm in shock so I hesitate a spilt second before kissing her back. I've kissed Natasha plenty of times on Carmilla but this one is different. This one is real. It feels like it's only me and her on Earth right now. How they say you know it's real when you feel sparks but with her  fireworks. Millions of them.

She breaks the kiss and she has the biggest most amazing smile on her lips and I can't help but smile just as big.

"Of course I will go out with you. Took you long enough to ask " she says giggling

"Yeah. I'm just glad I did now" I say laughing

We go inside I help her make dinner and while I was cutting potatoes for the mashed potatoes she wraps her arms around my waist and whispers into my ear.

"You know the fandom is going to go nuts when they find out." She plants small feathery kiss on my ear and I close my eyes leaning my head on her shoulder. She then plants one on my neck and I let a small moan. I can feel her smirk against my neck when she kisses it again and then she releases me to go get something from the fridge. She's such a tease.

We eat dinner and watch a movie cuddling. It feels so great to be in her arms and not having to worry about anything anymore. Natasha is mine and I couldn't be happier.

After two movies I say I have to go and after a long passionate kiss she let's me go.

I get home and slump against my door smiling like a total idiot but it is totally worth it. I text Sharon the good news and she tells me she knew she was going to say yes and that she's happy for us.

I shower and get ready for bed and when I get into bed I text Natasha.

E: Goodnight Babe. Sleep well :)

N: Goodnight cutie. You too. I'll text you tomorrow :)

And with that I fell alseep the happiest I've ever been...

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