Pacify her. Pt.2

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Melanie woke up, sitting up and staring around her pastel room.
She thought to herself.
Ok ok, mel calm down. You're going to hang out with the blue boy today. It's not even a date, stop being so paranoid. Now get out of this bed and get ready, you still have to look good.
She stood, swinging her feet over the side of her baby blue, canopy bed. Her feet landed softly onto her soft pink carpet.
She walked over to her closet, looking through all of her best dresses. She wanted to look good, but not too childish.
Her mind raced with thoughts of the blue boy.
He did say he loved my style, so maybe I shouldn't try to look more normal. Yeah you know what, fuck it. I'm gonna wear what I want. This looks good. It's my style but not too fancy or flashy. It's perfect.
She thought to herself pulling out a fluffy purple crop top, a ruffled light pink skirt, and a pair of laced socks the same color as the the skirt.
She put on the clothes staring at her self in her full length mirror, spinning and twirling around like a princess.
She sat down in front of her mirror, looking at all the makeup scattered across the desk. She started with her normal skin makeup, concealed, foundation, contour, things like that. Making her skin almost flawless. She picked up her black eyebrow pencil and began to fill them in, with a perfect arch.
She grabbed a somewhat normal eye shadow palette, picking out a nice shiny blue color. After she applied that she added simple black eye liner onto her water line, and topped off her eyes with a little mascara.
She finished her look with a simple red lip, but her being who she was she wanted to impress Blue boy. So she added some small white dots.

She stood and decided she needed to finish her outfit with some accessories

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She stood and decided she needed to finish her outfit with some accessories.
She grabbed out, a gold choker and rather big white bow. She put on the choker and tied the bow into her hair. She looked down at her rows of heels and picked out simple pink strapped ones.

She finally thought she was ready so she grabbed her phone, that was wrapped in a cute teddy bear case

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She finally thought she was ready so she grabbed her phone, that was wrapped in a cute teddy bear case.
She was half way down the stairs when she darted back up to her room. Picking up the matching necklaces she had bought the night before.
It was 12:30 so she thought she better get going.
She headed out towards her fun day with her blue boy, and his annoying basic girlfriend.
As she walked down the street towards the park. Her mind began to drift.
Should I not be bringing him a necklace, especially a matching one? I don't want to get him in more trouble with his Girlfriend. Oh it's fine, were just friends. For now.
Before she knew it she was walking into the park, she saw the blue boy across the grassy field, with who she assumed was Emily and Shayden.
She quicken her pace and headed towards them.
She approached the 3 and blue boy stood to great her.
"Hey Mel!"
"Hello, blue boy" She said giggling. He giggled too.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards his girlfriend and her stupid friend.
"Emily, shayden, this is Melanie."
Melanie pulled away from blue boy to shoe thief hands, Shayden happyily accepted. But Emily just sat there with her arms crossed.
"Johnny, can I talk to you?" Emily said trying her best not to scream.
He simply nodded and walked towards her. She harshly grabbed him by the hand and dragged him away.
"Hey sit down." Shay said patting a stop next to her on the blue checkered blanket.
Melanie kept stealing glances at the blue boy.
Again he was dressed in all blue. Blue jeans, a blue panic at the disco shirt, bright blue vans, and this time he was definitely wearing blue nail polish. That just happened to look identical to Melanie's nails.
(Just imagine him, without the blue skin. For this story.)

 "Shut up Johnny! I can't fucking believe you! You bring a slut! You said a friend!"

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"Shut up Johnny! I can't fucking believe you! You bring a slut! You said a friend!"

Ok, don't cry Melanie. Do. Not. Cry. Don't be the crybaby you always are.
Melanie sat trying to engage in the conversation with Shayden, just to distract herself. But Emily was screaming louder than last time Melanie saw her.
"Sorry about her, she's just protective" Shayden said.
Melanie just politely nodded and smiled. Trying to hide how hurt she was, from Emily calling her a slut.
But somehow she still couldn't stop listening to their fight.
"She's not a slut! She is my friend. Am I not allowed to have friends that aren't boys. What is wrong with you."
"Nothing is wrong with me, something is wrong with you! You bring a girl, you can't even hang out with her, or any girls. You'll cheat on me or something! Boys are the people you can be friends with"
"What if I wasn't straight."
Melanie and Shayden stopped and turned their heads giving full attention to the couple.
"What if I'm not straight"
"Oh come one Johnny, you're not a fag."
"Emily! I'm not straight ok?"
"Why are you with me then?"
"I'm not gay, I'm pansexual"
"No you're not. Now go get rid of that whore."
With that she slapped him just like at the coffee shop.
She stormed off, but Johnny stayed where was. He fell to the ground and began to cry.
Melanie got up and ran towards him. Right to his side.
She held his hand, and he began to calm down.

After about 10 minutes Emily came over to them.
"Ok, I was overreacting ok? I'm sorry. Now, come back and we can still make this a fun day. Ok baby."
Johnny just nodded and stood. Melanie followed.
Another ten minutes pass by.
Emily turns away from Johnny to look at something on Shayden's phone. They began laughing wildly.
Melanie took this as her opportunity. She leaned towards him and put her hand on his thigh. Putting her head on his shoulder.
He looked down at her with wide eyes.
He laced their fingers together. It was a beautiful moment.
Emily turned back, and the two quickly moved away from each other.
"Johnny what were you just doing?"
"You know what Johnny fuck you, you're not paying any attention to me! Ugh I hate you." Emily sat back waiting for him to apologize and love on her. But he didn't.
He whispered into Melanie's ear.
"Can you tell her something."
Melanie nodded as he explained what he wanted her to say.
"Hey Emily, he's breaking up with you. Sorry."
"No he's not."
Melanie grabbed Johnny's hand and led him away from the group. Them both smiling widely.
"Now we can be together." Johnny said.
Melanie smiled and kissed her blue boy.

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