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"J-jenna?" Tyler had called Jenna. He was currently, sitting in the bathtub. He had ripped his sleeves and pants. Wrists and thighs exposed.
An extremely shard razor blade laid across his already bloody hands.
Shaking and crying harder than he ever had in his life.
Blurry loomed in the corner. Watching, shouting at Tyler.
"DO IT!" Over and over.
"Yes, Tyler? Are you ok?"
"N-no. Jenna I-I'm sorry. T-t-this is g-goodbye. T-thank you for e-everything you've d-done for me. You're p-perfect in e-every way. Please d-don't forget that. E-ever. J-Jenna I-I l-l-love you. S-so much. G-good b-b-bye. Thank you."
"Tyler, what? N-no please. W-where are you? I-I'm coming"
"It's t-too late.  H-he w-won. I-I'm a goner."
Then the line went dead. Jenna kept yelling into it. Pleading for Tyler. But he wasn't there.
Tyler picked up the phone again. Calling josh.
He's already called all his family, but they didn't pick up.
He'd called all his friends. No one picked up. It being 3am.
Except for josh and Jenna.
It rang 4 times before Josh's sleepy voice coming into Tyler's ears.
"Tyler? What's going on? It's 3am."
"J-josh. I'm s-s-sorry. B-but he's h-here. I-I g-give up. J-josh. T-thank you for being the b-best f-friend I could e-ever a-ask for. You're amazing d-don't let t-them tell you d-different. I-I'm sorry. G-good b-b-bye.  I love you."
"No t-Tyler please. P-please. D-don't leave m-me. D-don't leave Jenna. Please stay a-alive."
"H-he w-won. I-I'm a goner"
The line went dead again.
That was due to Tyler dropping his phone into the water. He felt tiny shocks sting throughout his body.
Not enough to kill him, just enough to hurt. Blurry laughed and told him to continue. Chanting do it. Again and again.
Jenna was already in her car, heading home to Tyler. She had been away, she stayed at a friend's house after a party that night. She was half way across town.
She was in her car, while still on the phone with Tyler. She was shaking, crying, screaming, just pleading that she could make it in time.
Josh did the same. He didn't bother putting on shoes or a shirt. He drove faster than he ever had before. As did Jenna.
They were both speeding, a lot.
"You know what to do" Blurry told Tyler.
He picked up the blade and pushed it into his soft tanned skin.
Right onto his wrist. Right on the vein. Vertical. He carved the word GONER. In a matter of minutes.
"Wrong" Tyler knew that was bad sign. Blurry charged towards him.
Coming so fast he was a blur. Before Tyler could even speak a word, blurry's hands were wrapping around his neck, shading it a dark black. The same as his.
He dunked Tyler's head under the cold water. Tyler trashed and desperately tried to get away. Or even breathe.
He came back out, catching his breath.
"Again. Do it right."
Tyler picked the blade back up. Taking it to his other arm. Pressing harder.
He carved BLURRY. Deeper than GONER. Deeper than ever before. He would bleed out.
The warm liquid spilling into the water making it a dark red.
Tyler took his hand and pressed it to the words, the words he had cut into his skin. He spelled out, IM SORRY, on the wall in front of him. Took more from the other arm.
And wrote HE WON on the wall directly behind him. He wrote in blood.
His vision was fading in and out. The sounds of blurry's laugh sounded in his ears. Louder than he had ever heard before. It was the loudest thing he'd ever heard.
Tyler heard cars speeding into his driveway. He picked up the blade again, and dug deeper. Letting more blood to stain the water. Jenna, was at the door. Banging and screaming.
She frantically looked for her keys. Josh came up behind her. They both still crying. And yelling for Tyler.
Tyler put his whole head underneath the water, and stopped breathing.
Blurry kept laughing.
Jenna opened the door, and darted up the stairs. Faster than she'd ever done anything in her life.
Josh did too, he was trailing behind Jenna a bit. He wasn't as fast.
Jenna burst through the bathroom door. Seeing as Tyler hadn't locked it. He was barely breathing. Barely conscious, barely alive. Clinging onto the the final moments. Using his final breaths to tell this women how much he loved her. And that she was the definition of perfect.
They way, her hair fell perfectly. No matter what. How her ocean eyes, sparkles perfectly in the sun, the dark, in any light. The way she could literally pull off anything she wore. Even with that she managed to have absolutely perfect styled. Every thing about her was perfect in every way. The way she made him feel that, he had been gifted. She was a gift, and savior, an angel. His everything.
Unfortunately he don't have enough breath to say all that to her. He could barely speak.
She ran to his side, looking around the room. Starring all around at what Tyler, no at what blurryface had done.
The writing, the cuts, the water, everything there. Even Jenna could here the laughs. Josh heard it too.
When he came in ran to him too. They all three held hands. Tyler was only able to mumble.
One final thing came out of his mouth.
"Don't let me be gone."
Tyler's eyes closed. His heart stopped. He slipped under the water. Jenna and josh screamed to him, pleaded for him to come back. Crying more than they though was even possible.
Blurryface disappeared. Following Tyler to wherever you go after you die.
Tyler didn't make it. Tyler killed himself. Blurryface won.
"Don't let me be gone" Was his final plea.
He was a goner.

Now, the only difference between this and reality is here he doesn't have us. The cliøue. The ones who he asks to stay alive and fight though this with him. This is why we're so important to him. And why he's so important to us. He stays alive for us. You stay alive for him. You help him.
"I need your help to take him out.... don't let me be gone.... somebody catch my breath"
We will Tyler. We will.

Stay alive. |-/

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