chapter 10

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Time skip to 4 months later

Riots POV

Me and Alex decided to wait till after the baby is born for the wedding and we found out we're having a littoe boy! We're gonna name him Theo Thomas gaskarth after tom his older brother! At the moment I'm cuddled up with Alex in bed, I'm 9 months pregnant and the baby is due anyda-my eyes snap open as I feel liquid between my legs "Alex" I say ad I shake him "ALEX FUCKIN GASKARTH WAKE UP!" I scream and he shoots up "what?" He ask "my water just broke" I say and his eyes widen an pain shoots threw me and I cry out in pain "ok, ok c'mere" he says and he picks me up and gets his phone and calls jack ad I scream out in pain "what? Its 2 in the morning dude" jack says sleepily as he answers "RIOTS GOING INTO LABOR, GET ASH UP WITH SOME PJS AND GET GET THE HOSPITAL ASAP!" He yells down the phone ad I cry out again "OK WE'LL BE THERE IN A BIT, HOLD TIGHT RIOT" he yells down the phome and hangs up

I grab alexs Han "we'll be there in 10" he says and I nod and cry out. We get to the hospital and we run in "MY WIFE IS IN LABOR!" He yells and a nurse runs in with a gurney and I get on and they run to the delivery room and apex grabs my hand as i cry "hello, I'm Carley and I'll be your midwife" a nurse says as she walks in

Alex's POV

"I'm riot" she says threw grit teeth and she screams in pain again and Tue door slam open "who are you?" The nurse asks then jack and ash walk in "I'm her big brother and this is my girlfriend and her best friend" he says as he runs to the other side of the bed and grabs riots free hand. Riot grabs the oxygen things "ok, hunnie your ready to push" Carley says and riot pushes and screams in pain "your doing amazing baby" I whisper in her ear as she cries and she pushes again and screams in complete agony

After about 5 hours of pure agaony riot pushes ona last time and the baby comes out, but it doesn't cry "why isn't he crying?" Riot sobs "riot hunnie, I'm so sorry" Carley says as tears fill her eyes and she hands Theo to me and he's cold and tears roll down my face "riot, he was born to early" Carley whimpers and I look at riot and tears roll down her face at lightning speed "I gave birth to a dying child?" She asks just above a whisper and Carley nods "I'll leave you guys alone" Carley whispers and riot sits up "can I hold him?" She whispers and I hand Theo to her and the look on her face completely brakes me

Riots POV

I take Theo into my arms and he weakly looks up at me and tears roll down my face as he struggles to breathe "please don't go" I sob as he takes his last breath And his gorgeous green eyes close and he goes limp and I brake down sobbing and I look at jack to see tears rolling Down his face "can I hold him?" He whispers and I nod and hand theo to him and ash comes up to me and she hugs me as we both sob "its not fair" I sob "its not" she sobs into my shoulder and she pull away and takes Theo into her arms and I turn to Alex and the look on his face brakes my heart and he looks me in the eyes as tears roll down my face and I pull my knees to my chest as I sob into them; I feel arms wrap around me and I look and see alex and I sob into his chest as he soba into my hair "Alex I'm so sorry" I sob "its not your fault, you couldnt control what happened" he whimpers

"It is, I was suppised to protect him, he's my little boy Alex" I sob and he tightens his grip on me "I know, but its not your fault" he says "I was supposed to give you a healthy baby boy" I sob and the door clicks open and Carley walks in "I have to take Theo" she says and I nod and ash gives him to me and I kiss his head "I love you" I sob and I hand him to alex "I love you bud" he sobs and hugs him close before handing him to Carley "again, I'm so sorry for your loss" she says just above a whisper

Time skip to a month later

After Theo passed, me and alex stopped talkin, we where still engaged, still lived together just not talkin the only time We'd see each other is if we needed food or drink, which didnt help me. I grab a bottle of vodca out the fridge, ive been drinking to try an numb the pain. I take a massive gulp of it and slide down the kitchen island and sit on the floor as I take another mouthful. Alex walks past he looks at me and sighs, he walks to the medical box and gets me a tablet and sits next to me with a glass of water "hey, you need to sober up ok?" He says softly and I take the pill and put it in my mouth and down the glass if water and tears roll down my face and he pulls me into His chest as tears roll down my face but I make no sound I just lace my fingers with his

"Do you still love me?" I ask as My voice breaks "of course I do! Riot why would you think I don't?" He asks "you've been ignoring me Alex, you haven't said a single word to me since Theo passed" I say as my voice cracks again and he sighs "I'm so sorry, its just been rough" he says "dont you think I know that? I gave birth to a dying child, my baby boy took his last breath in my arms Alex" I exclaim sadly "if anyone knows how rough this is, its me" I whisper and I go to take another mouthful of vodka but Alex takes it from my grasp "you've had enough" he says and he puts it on the side "so what now? Your gonna go back to ignoring me?" I ask "cuz if you are, I'm staying with ash for a while, I need you Alex, I can't do this on my own and I have two people who are ready to step up if you can't" I say as tears run down my face

"Alex I miss you so much, I know this is hard on you, but you have to stop shutting me out" I cry "I can't handle doing this on my own Anymore" I sob and he pulls me up and pulls me into a tight hug and I hug back as I sob into his chest as he tightens his grip on me
"I'm so sorry, im here now" he whispers and I look up at him and he looks down at me "I love you" I say "I love you to" he says back

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