chapter 5

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Riots POV

I wake up snuggled into Alex's bare chest and I smile and I look up at him and he opens his gorgeous brown eyes and looks down at me and smiles and I smile warmly back at him "good morning gorgeous" he says and I smile

"Morning lex" I say with my morning voice "how did you sleep?" He asks "I slept fine, what about you?" I ask sweetly and he smiles "I slept well to" he says and I smile "wait, your forgetting something" he says and I look at him confused

He puts his fingers on his lips signaling that he wants a kiss and I laugh softly and roll my eyes and I kiss him gently and he cups my cheek and I pull away and he makes a whine sound and I roll my eyes and he pouts sticking out his bottom lip

I sigh "get here you cute motherfucker" I say and he smiles and I grab his top and smash my lips into his and he kisses back and I can tell he has a smirk on his face and I pull away "happy?" I ask "very" he says and I laugh and shake my head

"I'm dying my hair" I say and he nods "come back to bed after" he says and kisses my neck and I nod and get out and I grab a couch pillow and I walk to ash's bed and I hit her with up "what?" She hisses "your helping me dye my hair" I say and she groans and nods and gets out and we go to the bathroom

Once we finish I blow dry my hair (at the top) and we walk back to our bunks and she gets in with jack and he wraps his arms around her and she snuggles into him more and I get back into Alex's bunk and he's snoring but I can tell its fake "lex" I say and he smirks but stays 'asleep'

"Lex!" I say and he smirks more but doesn't move and I get an idea and I smirk "fine, I guess you dont want a kiss, thats fine, I'll go kiss Zack" I say and he shoots up "I'm up" he says and wraps his arms around me and I laugh and shake my head "you idiot" I say

"But I'm your idiot" he says and I hug him "yes you are, even tho you can be an annoying little prick at times who begs for my attention" I tease and he chuckles "what can I say? I'm an attention whore" he says and I laugh "like Gerard? He says he's a jacket slut" I say and alex laughs "yes, like Gerard" he says and I smile

"Aww, well at least I know you care" I say and peck his lips and he smiles "by the way, you know six feet under the stars?" He asks "yep, its one of my favorites" I say softly and he smiles "I'm glad, cuz I just sent put a tweet saying who it was about and can you guess who?" He asks with a grin and I giggle and nod "I love you" he says and I smile "I love you to" I say and he smiles

"Hey can I sing somethin real quick?" I ask "go ahead" he says and he grabs his guitar and hands it to me and I smile and start to play

As I'm singing alex pulls me into his lap and hums along to me and once I finish he hugs me and burrys his head into my shoulder and I smile "you OK?" I ask softly "yeah" he says and I smile and I turn around so I'm still on his lap and wrap my legs around his waist

I put my small handa on his cheeks and he looks at me and I smile "I love you" I whisper "I love you to" he whispers and I smile and I kiss him gently and he kisses back and after a couple moments we pull away and I smile and alex lays down and pats his chest

I smile and lay down and he turns on his side and pulls me Into his chest and I smile and snuggle up to him tangling our legs together and he kisses my head "by the way we're going to the beach, we're in Miami" alex whispers "ok, dont care at the moment, only care about cuddling" I mumble and he chuckles

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