chapter 4

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Riots POV

Right now me and ash are just watching a movie and alex comes up to us "girls two hours" he says and we nod and turn the movie off and we run to the bathroom and I get in the shower "put some music on" I say and she turns the radio on (at the top)

We get ready and when I get out The shower ash goes in and put my underwear on then I start to dye it and when ash gets our she cuts a little bit for me and then i wash the dye out

The i blow dry, straighten and tease my hair and I style it, and I get dressed and ash does the same

"Holy shit you look hot" I say and she laughs "thanks" she says as she looks in the mirror And I look at myself and she looks at me "you look hot" she says and I laugh

"I hope I do" I say with a laugh "your hair looks awesome" she says "thanks, I used to help around a local hairdressers, soooo I learned a couple things" I say and we giggle right now I have black hair with a bright royal blue fringe

We walk out and I go to alex (at the top) and he turns to me and his eyes widen and my smile fades "do you not like it?" I ask quietly "like it? I fuckin love it! You look hot!" he says and I smile

"Tonight she'll be performing" ash says and I nod "well we better get going then" jack says and I nod and we walk to the venue and we see fans waiting in line

Me and ash go to the fans and hug them and take photos and aigjn things and we walk inside and we see everyone

And me and ash do our handshake and we hug "NEW YEARS DAY IN 5" the producer shouts "good luck!" I say and we hug again and she runs out on stage

After she does all her songs she runs out and jumps and I catch her and I spin her and we hug "you were amazing!" I say and she giggles

"All time low and riot in 2" the producer says and we hug "good luck!" She says as we run up onto stage

"WHATS UP HOLLYWOOD!"  Me and alex says and they cheer "if you guys dont know, I'm riot barakat, and I'll be singing Juliet's part for remembering Sunday, and we have a little surprise for you guys at the end to" I say

They scream and cheer and we laugh and we start to sing and we finish our songs and we get to my two songs "ok guys! This song is for all the people who have self harm issues, or self esteem issues, or just to anyone who's going through a crappy time, this songs called I'm alive!" I say and they all cheer

Jack and the guys start to play and I start to sing and alex puts me on his shoulders as I sing

After I finish the crowd goes fuckin nuts and I smile "I'm glad you all liked it!" I say and they scream and cheer again and I laugh and I see alex and jack panting.

"Wow you two need to work out" I say and the crowd laughs "fuck off barakat" alex says and I laugh as does the crowd "you love me gaskarth" I

"Your right I do, and so does jack" he says and winks at me and the crowd squeals and cheers and I laugh "does my big bro love me?" I ask "duh! You give the best hugs ever!" He says and I laugh

"Ok guys this next song is a cover and we have permission to use it, so thanks for letting us do a rock cover of it, this is paint it black!" I say and everyone cheers and we start

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