chapter 1

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Riots POV

I wake up and I start to get dressed and I do my hair, makeup and put my piercings in (ignore the skull makeup, but at the top) I wear high waisted shorts to show off my leg tattoo, I wear a perice the veil muscle top to show my sleeve tattoo and I put my high tops on and I walk downstairs and I see Andy "Andy!" I say and he turns to me

"Riot!" He says and brings me into a hug and I hug back "are you all packed for tour?" He asks "yep" I say "the guys will be here in a bit" he says and I nod me and jinxx are very close to, he's like a non bio bro

After about 10 minutes I go to Andy "hey tink?" I ask with his nickname "what's up tiger?" He asks using my nickname "who's going on tour with us?" I ask

"Well, a new years day, all time low, Peirce the veil, of mice and men-" I cut him off "I get to see Austin and vic!" I squeal and he chuckles "yes you do" he says

"Also I think panic! At the disco" he says "I get to see Brendon to!" I squeal "who else?" I ask excitedly "uuuuh I think sleeping with sirens are coming to" he says

"Kellin!" I squeal "he always goes shopping with me!" I squeal "thats cuz everyone loves you" he says with a chuckle "ive never met ash, nor the atl guys either" I say

"Really? I mean I know you haven't met ash and her band cuz there new, but you haven't met alex and the guys?" He asks surprised "nope" I say
Then the door opens "RIOT!" I hear jinxx yell "jinxx!" I squeal and I run and jump Into his arms and he hugs me

"Guys she's never met alex and the atl guys" Andy says "thats gonna change" Ashley says and I grin at him and he returms it "this is gonna be so much fun" I say and they all chuckle

"C'mon! The buss is here!" Chris says and I nod and I run up and grab my stuff and I run down and we run to the buss with our stuff "DIBS TOP RIGHT BUNK BITCHES!" I yell and they all laugh

I claim the bunk and I start to decorate it with different posters and once I finish I get my phone abd I decide to listen to all time low and their not bad, there pretty amazing actually

There a bit pop punk but thats OK, alex has a nice voice tho and I already know the words to that girl and I sing it "that sing describes you perfectly rebel" jinxx says using his nickname for me "ya think so?" I ask

"Definitely, your a bitch to a lot of guys" he says and I scoff "thats cuz they all wanted to fuck me and leave" I say and he laughs and ruffles my hair "I think thats your perfect song" he says and walks away

"WHATEVER HARLEY QUINN" I yell and Andy and Ashley laugh and I giggle "TINK!" I yell and he walks over "whats up tiger?" He asks "are we stopping soon?" I ask "yeah why?"

"I wanna meet people!" I say and he laughs "yeah all the bands are gonna stop and see each other, speaking of that, we're stopping now" he says and my eyes light up and I jump out my bunk and do a front roll and I stand straight back up and I run out

"AUSTIN!" I yell when I see him and he turns and he smiles and I run and jump into his arms knocking him over and he laughs "hey mouse" he says all the guys have nicknames for me and I giggle and I get up and I help him up

Once he's up he pulls me into a hug again and I hug back "ive missed you!" He says and I smile "ive missed you to aly" I say I have nicknames for everyone I know

After catching up I say goodbye and start to walk away only to be tackled by a short Mexican "VIC!" I squeal "hey  Bambi" he says and I giggle and he helps me up "Mikey! Tony!" I say and they pull me into hugs and I hug back

Basically I'm the little sister to all the guys here just letting ya know, after catching up with them I'm once again tackled and I look and see kellin "kells!" I squeal "hey melody" he says and helps me up

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