chapter two

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Riots POV

I wake up and I yawn and I check my phone and its about 3 in the morning "why the fuck am I up so early?" I ask myself then I feel a pricing pain shoot threw my stomach and I get up and I run to the toilet and I throw up

I feel someone hold my hair and I look in the mirror and I see Andy and I throw up more and more and once I'm done I flush the toilet "what's up?" He asks "I dont know" I say my voice scratchy

"Just, take a shower, get dressed, do whatever you need to do then come get some pain killers and maybe some other stuff" he says and I nod and he walks out and I strip and I get in the shower and I finish, good thing I keep my suitcase in here

I dry myself off and I get dressed, do my hair, put my shoes on and I brush my teeth (at the top) and I walk out and to Andy "your staying in bed
" he says "not happening" I say as my voice is still scratchy and he rolls his eyes

He gives me the medicine and I start to feel 100% better "thanks" I say and he nods and I see a text on my phone and I open it to see that jack texted me a pic of a bunny and I giggle "what a goof" I say out loud and I send him a selfie and he types back "gorgeous" and I smile

After about 3 hours of doing JACK SHIT! I walk out and everyone walks out and I see alex and jack and I run to them and I hug jack "hey Jackie" I say "hey marshmallow" he says

"Hey lex" I say and he smiles "hey" he says and he pulls me into a hug and I hug back then I see Lisa come out the buss "get away from him" she hisses and pushes me away and I almost fall till jack catches me

"Lex?" I ask as tears fill my eyes "sorry, she wanted me back and-" I cut him off "no, no I get it, I dont care, if you get hurt again, dont come crying to me, Im certain she will do something like that again" I say as tears roll down my face

"This is what I get for getting close to someone again" I mumble and he hears it and guilt fills his eyes and I turn and I walk away as tears roll down my face and I walk back to my buss

Once I get there the buss is empty, I go to the bathroom and I lock the door and I look at myself in the mirror and I look at my wrists 'c'mon, two years you got to fight the erge! Do it for jack!' my heart screams

I take the blade and I press it to my wrist "I'm so sorry jack" I sob and I start to slash up my wrist again and after about 5 minutes if cutting I stop and I clean it and I wait till it scabs

And I pull my sleeves down and I wipe my eyes and I walk back out but I hold my sleeve down and I walk to jack and he hugs me and accidentally hits my wrist

I yelp in pain and he pulls away "you didnt, please tell me you didnt" he says and teats roll down my face and I pull my sleeve up and show him and I pull it back down as I start to sob and he pulls me into his chest

"I'm so sorry, I tried to fight it, I just couldn't" I sob quietly "this is because if alex right?" He asks and I nod "he let me kiss him and he made me believe he liked me" I sob quietly

"I'm begging you, please dont tell Andy" I sob "I won't, just please don't do it again, I believe in you! You can do it" he says and I nod "want me to clean it up and wrap it?" He asks and I nod

He keeps me cuddled into his side and takes me to his buss and we walk past alex and Lisa and she grabs my wrist and I scream in pain and she instantly let's go and blood drips on the floor from my wrist

"Riot?" Alex asks and my eyes widen and tears fall down my face and jack pulls me away from them and to the bathroom and he sees how bad it was and cleans it and wraps it

"Imma have a fuckin word with Lisa" he growls and he stomps out and I peek my head around the corner "how dare you" jack growls "what?" She asks with attitude "how dare you put your filthy hands on my best friend?" He growls

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