Oh my, it's a squirrel. Nope, it's just Naruto

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Hey, I am sooooo happy. I just got second place in my volleyball tournament. Wooohoooo. Anyway I do not own naruto. I only own Lexi, Gale, Hannah, and Cassidy.


                                                                              Lexi's POV



I groaned and opened my eyes. At first I only saw a lot of blurs. I blinked a couple of times and it cleared up. I saw that I was on the ground and in a forest. I sat up and looked around a saw three girls next to me. One with brown hair, one with blond hair and one with silver hair. All of a sudden they all sat up and stared at me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," we all screamed.

I then shouted, "Who are you?"

They stared at me for a second,"Lexi?" they asked.

"Yeah," I said back. And then it struck me."Hey Cassidy, Hannah and Gale," I called out cheerfully. They all sighed and then stood up. I started to walk over to my friends when I tripped over something. I looked over to kick it but then stopped. It was a blue backpack.

"Hey is this your backpack?" I asked them. They shook their heads at me. Me, being curious, opened the backpack and I saw the book that the old man gave me. I opened it and saw that there was a couple of pages that were written on. I gasped.

"What is it Lexi?" asked Gale. I just pointed at what the names were.

Gale Tamashi

Hannah Koshi

Cassidy Inzuro

Lexi Uchiha

Wow, I was an Uchiha. I mean, it's cool and all but why was I an Uchiha and the rest of my friends part of clans that I've never heard about? I turned around to ask them but saw that they were all crowded around the book.

All of a sudden I heard a rustle in the bush right next to us. I ran over to my friend and stood in front of them and called out, "Who are you and what do you want."

"Maybe it's a squirrel," said Cassidy. I looked at her and shrugged. It probably was but I wasn't taking any chances.

All of a sudden something orange jumped out and landed on me. I looked up and had to hold in a fangirl scream. The person on top of me was...........






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