We actually have to exercise?

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Hey, I just got a new laptop and I love it. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

P.S. I love the girl who sings this song. She is such a good singer.

(Lexi’s POV)

After lunch, which of course sasuke paid for, it was time to go back to class. When I asked Sasuke told me that there was only 3 more hours left of the academy and then we could go home, so I tried to take a nap. Key word tried.

“Alright everybody, let’s go outside and start going through the training exercises,” said Iruka.

I shot up and glared at him, “Um, excuse me. We have to what?”

Everyone stared at me and Iruka said, “I said that we are going outside to exercise.”

I sat back down and said, “Ain’t nobody got time for that. I’ll just stay inside and do something.” And that started with a full blown argument which ended with me being dragged outside tied up.

“Come on Lexi, exercise isn’t too bad,” cheerfully stated Gale. I just glared at her and surprisingly so did Cassidy.

“Hey Cassidy,” I started to ask, “why didn’t you help me get out of exercising?”

She sighed and said, “Even though I hate exercising, I know that when we got out here, I could escape and maybe take you with me. I smirked and whispered to her, “Let me make a distraction and then we’ll do it.”

By then I was already out of the rope so I slinked over to Naruto and said, “hey, if you distract Iruka, I will buy you 5 bowls of ramen.” He instantly lit up and nodded yes and then ran over to Iruka.

I went back over to Cassidy and said, “Wait until you see naruto start the distraction, then we will make our move.

I saw Naruto do his special jutsu and screamed run to Cassidy and tore off to the road heading into the city with Cassidy on my tail. We ran for about 10 minutes until I deemed it save enough to stop.

By then we were far enough away from the school that even if they looked for us, they would never find us. “Now what do we do?” I asked Cassidy.

She thought for a second then said, “How about we go try and walk around outside the village. Luckily the gates were very close to us and the two guards were asleep so I left a note on their desk saying that we just went exploring and would be back soon.

After a couple of minutes of wandering around, we happened upon a beautiful waterfall. It was so peaceful that I just wanted to lie down and take and nap. And so that is what Cassidy and I did.

I woke up next to something warm, so I curled up against it. The thing moved and I growled at the movement. I felt the thing putting me into a bed and I sighed and let go of it, and went into the dream world.

(Dream world)

I felt as if I was floating. I opened my eyes and saw I was lying on the surface of a frozen lake. I stood up and looked around. I looked down and saw something that surprised me. There were a bunch of images of people.

I fell down in shock. It looked like memories of when I was a child, with my real family and my foster family in the real world. I heard a laugh behind me, so I spun around and saw a light blue haired lady.

“Hello, my name is Nami and I am the dimension keeper,” she said.

I stared at her, “And what does that have to do with me?”

She just smiled at me, “I am the one who sent you to earth.”

“Why?” I demanded.

“Well, it wasn’t safe for you here. If I hadn’t you would have died.”

I sighed and said, “Well why now. Why even let me come back?”

She smiled gently, “This world needs you now to help heal everyone.”

I nodded in understanding. I kind of figured that I need to help my brother and everyone else and not let things go like the plot line.

And then all of a sudden her frame started to shimmer. She said, “You have to wake up now. You will see me again in the near future, but until then, I bid you a good-bye.”

Then everything faded away and I opened my eyes up to a worried Sasuke.

How did you all like this chapter? I feel like this chapter is a bit longer then all my other ones, but I guess that is a good thing.

Peace out,


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